

买卖不成仁义在对应英文:No justice in the sale

出处梁斌《红旗谱》第一卷"嫌人家来做买卖,买卖不成仁义在,打倒人家干吗"对应英文:The source of Liang Bin "red flag" volume one "enough people to do business, not a virtue in the sale, down people why"

买卖不成仁义在抱拳相辑面生香 买卖不成仁义在抱拳相辑手生香对应英文:No justice in the sale fold phase, surface - not a virtue in the sale fold by hand -

虽然买卖没有做成,彼此间的感情还存在对应英文:Although the sale is not made, the mutual feelings still exist


商谈が成立しなくても仁义はある。 通俗的 贩売になれなくても、よしみがある。对应英文:To discuss a technique for on the moo, established at righteousness: aru. Popular selling in the two terms on the moo, and two at a first, aru.

出处梁斌《红旗谱》第一卷"嫌人家来做买卖,买卖不成仁义在,打倒人家干吗"对应英文:The source of Liang Bin "red flag" volume one "enough people to do business, not a virtue in the sale, down people why"

买卖不成仁义在 发音口嘞噶 松撒腿即 阿纳搜都 以你嫩 哪吗思密达对应英文:No justice in the pronunciation mouth Le GA creeping legs that are in your tender Anak search sale which it Smecta

开诚布公,公平竞争,货真价实,假一罚十,看过路过不要错过。对应英文:Speak frankly and sincerely, fair competition, genuine goods at a fair price, false one penalty ten, seen pass by do not miss.

!(地道说法) - (较直译)对应英文:(the authentic saying!) - (a literal translation)

你说的是"买卖不成仁义不在( )"任务,这里的敌人是无限的,任务不是杀光敌人,而是杀出去,需要从后门杀出去,后门外就是海边,有船只的,杀出去逃上船,...对应英文:What you said is "not a virtue not on sale (task)", where the enemy is infinite, task is not to kill the enemy, but to fight our way out, need to go out from the back door, the back door is the sea, ships out to escape the ship,...


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