

果然不出所料对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected

果然不出所料:推特在大选日前一天就变得紧张,而在大选日当天就冷静、幸福、友善多了,但是整个情绪在11月5日就回归平常了。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected: twitter on election day becomes tense, and on election day was calm, happy, friendly and more, but the mood in November 5th returned to normal.

果然不出所料:推特在大选日前一天就变得紧张,而在大选日当天就冷静、幸福、友善多了,但是整个情绪在11月5日就回归平常了。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected: twitter on election day becomes tense, and on election day was calm, happy, friendly and more, but the mood in November 5th returned to normal.

果然不出所料,邻国国王赦免了亚瑟,并同意给他完全的自由。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, the neighboring king Arthur pardoned, and agreed to give him complete freedom.

果然不出所料,一开始雌性苍蝇们纷纷将绣球抛向后来的性感者们。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, first female flies have to throw the ball to the later sexy researchers.

果然不出所料,一天晚上Rich接到电话通知老夫妇中的一位在家里去世了。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, one night Rich got a phone call telling the old couple in a died at home in the.

现在,果然不出所料,劫持者又故伎重演:既然去年12月要挟行动可行,为何不再试一次?对应英文:Now, it It is as expected, the hijackers and repeat the stock tricks: blackmail worked well last December, why don't you try again?

果然不出所料,德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里宣布将竞选总统。我们已经了解到他竞选主打的东西:相信奇迹。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced to run for president. We have learned that his campaign: believe in miracles.

果然不出所料,NASA正在宣布前面等着我们的灾难是因为太阳正在苏醒,即将进入太阳的最大活跃期。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, the NASA announced before us disaster because the sun is up, the largest active period is coming into the sun.

我想,日后肯定会有面向大学生群体的社交网络出现,果然不出所料。对应英文:I think, the future will be facing the college students social network, and It is as expected.

果然不出所料,在爸爸祈祷之后,妈妈立刻在我们每人面前放上了一碗汤。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, after prayer in the father, the mother immediately in front of us put a bowl of soup.

果然不出所料,第一个听到撒波雷先生议案的委员会立刻将之拒绝。对应英文:Sure enough It is as expected, the first to hear Mr. Sapore bill committee turned down at once.


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