

牛不喝水强按头对应英文:Cows do not drink water according to the head

没有下一句呀.成语牛不喝水强按头拼音ú ù ē ǐ ǎ à ó解释 比喻用强迫手段使就范。出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十六回"鸳鸯道'家生女儿怎么样"...对应英文:Not a word. Phrase cows do not drink strong according to the first phonetic ú ù ē ì Ji ǎ à ó explain metaphor through coercion makes. Source Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" forty-sixth back "mandarin duck 'home daughter how"...

牛不愿意喝水 可是却强按着它的头让它喝 比喻用强迫手段使就范。对应英文:Cattle are not willing to drink but strong according to its head to drink compared with forced means.

(菀常在) 、我竟不知这世上还有牛不喝水强按头的道理。 (留朱) 、奴婢愿跟随小主,绝无二心。 (槿汐) 、奴才兄弟受常在这等恩惠,一定尽心侍奉。今生报不完的,...对应英文:(Aster often), I know that there are cows do not drink strong according to the first. (Liu Zhu), I will follow the small master, no second thoughts. (Jin Xi), I was often in this grace brothers, must serve. This life is not complete,...

成语牛不喝水强按头 拼音ú ù ē ǐ ǎ à ó 解释 比喻用强迫手段使就范。 出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十六回"鸳鸯道'家生女儿怎么样"牛不吃水强按...对应英文:The idiom cows do not drink strong according to the first phonetic ú ù ē ì Ji ǎ à ó explain metaphor through coercion makes. Source Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" forty-sixth back "mandarin duck 'home daughter how cattle are not strong according to" draft...

牛不愿意喝水 可是却强按着它的头让它喝 就是比喻用强迫手段使就范对应英文:Cattle are not willing to drink but strong according to its head to drink is compared with forced means to make

按牛头喝水------勉强不得 俗话说强按牛头不喝水 而中国教育是,虚构一头牛被按着喝水的光辉形象,告诉大家这是五千年传统礼节,非常高贵典雅, 然后告诉其他牛,这牛多伟...对应英文:According to the water - just not saying the Minotaur without water and Chinese education is fictional, a cow is the glorious image of drink, tell you this is five thousand years of traditional etiquette, very elegant, then tell the other cattle, the cattle wei...

牛不喝水不能强按头"意思是说,事情要顺其自然,不能强求。对应英文:Cows do not drink not strong according to the first "mean, things go, cannot importune.

抽水机对应英文:Pumping machine

冷水浇背 冷水浇头 流水落花 绿水青山 流水桃花 流水无情 流水行云 流水游龙 马水车龙 牛不喝水强按头 逆水行舟 鸥水相依 盘水加剑 泼水难收 萍水相逢 清水无大鱼 千...对应英文:A bitter disappointment Lengshuijiaobei completely routed the beautiful scenery in a flow state Liushuiyoulong water peach human feeling is like running water Mashuichelong cows do not drink strong according to the first sail against the current Oushuixiangyi to Things done cannot be undone. met water no fish 1000...

吴牛喘月 牛不喝水强按头 宁为鸡口,无为牛后   一牛九锁 犀照牛渚 如牛负重 气吞牛斗 气壮如牛   牛衣对泣 牛毛细雨 牛郎织女 一牛吼地 执牛耳   多如牛毛 九牛...对应英文:Wu Niuchuanyue cattle do not drink strong according to the first chicken for export, inaction may Yiniujiusuo Xizhaoniuzhu toil like a beast of burden Qitunniudou fierce as a bull dire poverty fine drizzling rain the innumerable nine cattle Yiniuhoudi occupy a leading position...


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