

如入无人之境对应英文:Like nobody's business
词 目 如入无人之境    发 音 rú rù wú rén zhī jìng

而罗本则在左路如入无人之境,连续数次从相同的位置突破成功完成射门。对应英文:And robben is on the left like nobody's business, continuous several break through the successful completion of the shot from the same position.

然而,对于跨越中国国境和进入中国内部如入无人之境的非法野生动物捕杀与走私恶行而言,以上这些胜利成果的报道可能只反映了冰山一角。对应英文:However, for across the Chinese border and into China's internal like nobody's business illegal wildlife hunting and smuggling evil deeds, these successes are reported may reflect only the tip of the iceberg.

她补充说,圣主抵抗军等组织现在在该地区如入无人之境,肆意运营,强制性地招募新成员。对应英文:She added that the lra and other groups in the region now like nobody's business, wanton operations, mandatory to recruit new members.

而罗本则在左路如入无人之境,连续数次从相同的位置突破成功完成射门。对应英文:And robben is on the left like nobody's business, continuous several break through the successful completion of the shot from the same position.

然而,对于跨越中国国境和进入中国内部如入无人之境的非法野生动物捕杀与走私恶行而言,以上这些胜利成果的报道可能只反映了冰山一角。对应英文:However, for across the Chinese border and into China's internal like nobody's business illegal wildlife hunting and smuggling evil deeds, these successes are reported may reflect only the tip of the iceberg.

她补充说,圣主抵抗军等组织现在在该地区如入无人之境,肆意运营,强制性地招募新成员。对应英文:She added that the lra and other groups in the region now like nobody's business, wanton operations, mandatory to recruit new members.

俗语如入无人之境rú rù wú rén zhī jìng是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/545.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

释 义 境:地方。象到了没有人的地方。比喻打仗节节胜利,没有遇到抵抗。  出 处 宋·欧阳修《再论置兵御贼札子》:“及一旦王伦张海等相继而起,入州入县,如入无人之境。” 示 例 一辆汽车飞驰在又宽又平的高速公路上,真是~。

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