

岁老根弥壮对应英文:Years old Mi Zhuang

年岁越老根越壮实,阳光越强,枝叶越显得茂盛葱郁。形容人的阅历越深,经受考验越多,就越坚强对应英文:Age the roots stronger and stronger, the sun is stronger, more lush foliage. To describe the person experience more deeply, tested more more strong

岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。" 岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。 解释 岁年弥更加阴指茂盛。年岁越老根越壮实,阳光越强,枝叶越显得茂盛葱郁。形容人的阅历越深,经受考验越多...对应英文:Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. "Old old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Explain the years Mi more yin refers to flourish. Age the roots stronger and stronger, the sun is stronger, more lush foliage. To describe the person experience more deeply, tested more...

凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。 岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。 明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴。 --王安石《孤桐》 王安石任北宋神宗的宰相,力主改革,推行新法,虽遭遇到很大的阻力,仍然...对应英文:Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute. Wang Anshi "Gutong" Wang Anshi was appointed Minister of the Northern Song Shenzong, push for reform, the implementation of the new law, although encounter great resistance, still...

凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴。本诗借桐树这个意象,借物抒情,诗以咏志,诗人在变法中,受到种种打击,却志存高远,正直不屈,桐树...对应英文:Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute. This poem by Tung this image, borrowing lyrics, poetry with wing Chi, a poet in the political reform, by a variety of combat, has high, upright, tung...

凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴塞下曲六首 李白 (节选)白马黄金塞,云砂绕梦思。那堪愁苦节,远忆边城儿。萤飞秋窗满,月度霜闺...对应英文:Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute under a border-fortress's six Li Bai (excerpt) white gold sand plug, cloud around the dream. That worthy of sorrow Festival, far Yi border town. Fireflies fly autumn window with frost, monthly boudoir...

凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。 岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。 明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴。 五古·兼并 三代子百姓,公私无异财。 人主擅操柄,如天持斗魁。 赋予皆自我,兼并乃奸回。...对应英文:Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute. Wugu, annexation of Mio Ko people, public and private is money. People who exercise the main handle, such as holding the bucket qui. Given all the self, mergers are crafty back. ...

风雨经历多了心志更加坚定刚刚过了关山,后面的路还很长。 (寓意不怕风雨,更不能放松,勇敢的"战斗"下去)对应英文:The rain will experience much more determined just after the hill, still have a long way back. (meaning not afraid of wind and rain, but can not relax, brave "battle".)

凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴。 峄阳孤桐是邹鲁文化的一个重要符号。它最早见于《尚书·禹贡》,"峄阳孤桐",即禹时峄阳孤...对应英文:Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute. Yi Yang Gutong is an important symbol of Zou Lu culture. It was first found in "Shangshu Yugong", "Yi Yang Gutong", namely Shiyi Yang Gu yu...

五律·孤桐 天质自森森,孤高几百寻。 凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。 岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。 明时思解愠,愿斫五弦琴。 五古·兼并 三代子百姓,公私无异财。 人主擅操柄,...对应英文:Five days, Gutong from dense, isolated hundreds of search. Soar to the skies not leisure, to the open. Years old Mi Zhuang, Yang Yin arrogance leaves. Ming Si Jie Yun Zhuo, may five stringed lute. Wugu, annexation of Mio Ko people, public and private is money. The main operating handle good people,...

唐·杜甫《古柏行》 岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴 岁老年代久长。弥更加。阳骄太阳暴晒。阴枝叶繁茂。 宋·王安石《孤桐》 梧桐真不甘衰谢,数叶迎风尚有声 宋·张耒《夜坐...对应英文:Don Du Fu "COOPER BANK" old old Mi Zhuang, Yang and Yin older generation long leaves. Make more. Sun Yang. Yin lush foliage. Song Dynasty Wang Anshi "Gutong" Indus really unwilling to decline, the number of leaves upwind Shang Yousheng Song Dynasty Zhang Lei "night...


出处:宋·王安石《孤桐》:“凌霄不屈己,得地本虚心。岁老根弥壮,阳骄叶更阴。” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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