

一而再,再而三,拼为yī ér zài,zài ér sān,指再:第二次。一次又一次。出自《尚书•多方》。

是你会一而再再而三参与的争吵吗?对应英文:Is that you will be repeatedly to participate in the quarrel?

即使是罗马的犹太首领都宣称保罗是无辜的,因此一而再再而三的,路加福音与使徒行传中的人,被刻画成无辜的殉教者和先知。对应英文:Even the jewish leaders claim that Rome, Paul was innocent, so repeatedly, the Gospel of Luke and ACTS of people, portrayed as the innocent martyr and a prophet.

我不得不一而再再而三地告诉她这个不幸的消息。对应英文:Over and over again I had to tell her the bad news.

那些更倾于一而再再而三搁置消极经历的个体对发展中的临床抑郁症更敏感。对应英文:Who are more prone to repeatedly put negative experiences of individual clinical depression in the development of more sensitive.

即使是罗马的犹太首领都宣称保罗是无辜的,因此一而再再而三的,路加福音与使徒行传中的人,被刻画成无辜的殉教者和先知。对应英文:Even the jewish leaders claim that Rome, Paul was innocent, so repeatedly, the Gospel of Luke and ACTS of people, portrayed as the innocent martyr and a prophet.

如果你一而再再而三地看这种节目,你的常态意识就会开始重新设定。对应英文:If you over and over again to see this show, your normal consciousness will start to reset.

但很可惜,如果一而再再而三地呈现同样的刺激,我们会对它们习以为常。对应英文:But unfortunately, if over and over again to present the same stimulus, would we get used to them.

如果现状得不到改善,他们就将一而再再而三地陷入他们所认为的无法预知的危机之中。对应英文:If the situation improves, they will think over and over again in their unpredictable crisis.

“一而再再而三地触犯法律,真是令我羞愧难当”,他对埃文斯这样说。对应英文:"Repeatedly violate the law, really a shame to me", he told Evans said.

所以第一步你需要停止这种一而再再而三的自我认同或者自我定义。对应英文:So the first step you need to stop this repeatedly self-identity or self definition.

外界专家认为:东京电力公司在核作业方面一而再再而三的错误已经剥夺了他们在原子能方面的专家外衣。对应英文:Outside experts say that Tokyo electric power company in respect of nuclear operations repeatedly error has deprived them of specialists in atomic coat.

这正是贺博士告诉我们的,循环的磁带持续地播放着,一而再再而三地播放着。对应英文:This is what Dr He tells us, loop tape keeps playing, over and over again playing.

我们习惯注意已经知道的事情,却一而再再而三忽略我们所不知道的事情。对应英文:We used to pay attention to the things already know, we are repeatedly ignore what we don't know.

生活将一而再再而三地测试男人,以检视他是否会愿意将对他人的忠诚摆在对自己原则的忠诚之前。对应英文:Life will be over and over again to test men, to see whether he would be willing to put in others before the loyalty to your principle of loyalty.

而当我们一而再再而三地犯同样的错误时,那只能说明我们在表现自己的无知。对应英文:And when we make the same mistake over and over again, that just means we are showing their ignorance.

卡尔扎伊在攻击后说,他已经要求美国停止一而再再而三的突袭。对应英文:Karzai said after the attack, he has asked us to stop repeatedly raid.

但影片也清晰地刻画出了一个族群一而再再而三地与高重量级别的对手进行搏击。对应英文:But the film also clearly characterizes a group over and over again with high heavyweight fight on the other opponents.

那麽如果本拉登还活著,美国领导们就得解释解释为什麽他们一而再再而三选择不扣动扳机了。对应英文:So if osama bin laden is still alive, American leaders have to explain why they repeatedly chose not to pull the trigger.

他还担心新闻评述会同地图集里的地图一道,在新闻发布的时候,一而再再而三地犯着同一个错误,反而将气象学家们拉入争辩的漩涡之中。对应英文:He was also concerned that the news comments in conjunction with a map in the atlas, in a press release, make the same mistake over and over again, instead of meteorologists to pull into the maelstrom of debate.

可是,我却看着你的眼泪一而再再而三的为他流,如果不是他,我还不知道你其实也是个爱哭的女子,只是因为以前没有遇到让你流泪的人罢了。对应英文:But I will look at you, tears repeatedly flow for him, if not him, I don't know you actually is also a woman crying, just because haven't met before make you cry.

之后,扎尔达里一而再再而三地打出这张“信德牌”:煽动地方民族主义者反抗在旁遮普省萌发的“反人民党阴谋”。对应英文:Later, Mr Zardari has repeatedly hit the "faith" brand: inciting local nationalist resistance in punjab, "the people's party (pp) conspiracy".

异端分子、社会公敌永远在那里,可以一而再再而三地打败他们,羞辱他们。对应英文:Miscreants, ishmael will always be there, can defeat them over and over again, to humiliate them.

正如我一而再再而三地解释的那样,我们的遭遇,从美国工业所面临的问题来说,只不过是一个大冰山浮在水面上的顶端。对应英文:As I explained over and over again, our experience, from the problems facing American industry was just a big the tip of the iceberg floating on the surface of the water.

我会一而再再而三的挑战知己的极限,绝不允许自己吧过多的潜能和遗憾带进坟墓。对应英文:I will repeatedly challenge the limit of the bosom friend, never allow yourself too much potential and sorry to bring to the grave.

你期望所有事情都时刻正常运转,而这会让你进入一而再再而三地过度解释甚至过度控制的处境。对应英文:You expect everything moment function properly, and it will make you into repeatedly excessive explain or even excessive control situation.

在市场上扬或下跌的时候,人们一而再再而三犯下跟风而动的错误,这是非理性的显著表现之一。对应英文:In the market to rise or fall, people of copycat mistakes repeatedly, this is one of the irrational performance significantly.

如果你想戒咖啡,将清晨的一杯咖啡换成一杯水,从这开始,而不是一而再再而三地发誓,从此以后再也不喝咖啡。对应英文:If you want to quit coffee, to replace the morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, from the beginning, rather than repeatedly swear, henceforth never drink coffee.

一而再再而三地,这两种解读,会在现代之前的解经中被强调。对应英文:Over and over again, these two kinds of interpretation, will be emphasized in modern solution before the.

就是在你的祖先们自始至终不去抵抗的选择中,你已被一而再再而三地危害,直到你进入疾病。对应英文:Is in the choice of your ancestors from beginning to end not to resist, you have been over and over again, until you into disease.



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