

人生七十古来稀对应英文:Seventy ancient rare life
人生七十古来稀,成语,比喻人多力量大。出自 唐·杜甫《曲江》诗。

在唐诗中始见于杜甫的《曲江》诗"酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。"对应英文:In the Tang Dynasty was found in Du Fu's "Qujiang" poem "wine debt ordinary lines have seventy throughout the lean, life. "

古稀在古文里是岁的意思以前的人们,平均年龄都很小所以到了岁的就比较稀少可以这么理解对应英文:Seventy years of age is old mean before in classical Chinese, the average age is very small so that the old are scarce so understanding


细推物理须行乐,何用浮荣绊此身朝回日日典春衣,每日江头尽醉归。酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞。传语风光共流转,暂时相赏莫相违。...对应英文:Physics to be pushing small pleasures, what use floating Rong this single trip toward our code spring clothing, daily river go head to do drunk. Wine debt ordinary lines have seventy throughout the lean, life. Lech was seen, water flying dragonfly evaded. Total mass flow of beautiful language, the temporary defeat of Mr tours. ...

但是以古代人的卫生水平平均寿命,又有几个能活到七十岁呢,人生七十古来稀,是在感叹人生到了七十的那种境界吧。 唐中宗时的唐休璟八十多岁时被返聘,任命为太子少师。...对应英文:But in the ancient people's health level of life expectancy, and few can live to seventy years old, seventy life is rarely, in the sigh of life to that state in seventy. Tang Zhongzong Tang Xiujing was the bridge over 80 years old, named Prince little teacher. ...

人生七十古来稀 意思是能活到岁的人,自古以来是很少的。 这是以前的情形。 现代人,年过处处有。对应英文:Life seventy throughout the lean mean to live to old people, is very little since ancient times. This is the previous case. Modern people, over there.

"人生七十古来稀"一句,从古谚"人生百岁,七十者稀"化出。 这句话意思就是赊账买酒的人(壮志难酬的人)太平常太普遍了、到处都有,又何必为无钱买酒(壮志难酬)而苦恼呢,...对应英文:"Life seventy throughout the lean" a word, from which "life hundred years old, seventy dilute" cats. This sentence means to buy on credit of wine (aspirations blighted man) ordinary too general, everywhere, why has no money to buy wine (aspirations blighted) and the distress it,...

人生七十古来稀 意思是能活到岁的人,自古以来是很少的。 稀少有,稀有. 这是以前的情形。 现代人,年过处处有。对应英文:Life seventy throughout the lean mean to live to old people, is very little since ancient times. Rare, rare. This is before the situation. Modern people, over there.

人生七十古来稀,前除年幼后除老, 中间光景不多时,又有炎霜与烦恼, 过了中秋月不明,过了清明花不好, 花前月下且高歌,急须满把金樽倒, 世人钱多赚不尽,朝里官多做不了, ...对应英文:Life seventy be diluted before, except in the middle years old young, a little while, and inflammatory cream and worry, after the Mid Autumn Festival is unknown, the clear and bright flowers is not good, ideal setting for a couple in love and sing, anxious to be the gold cup, the world of money earn not, do much toward the officer,...

人生七十古来稀。 "人生七十古来稀"这句话要进历史博物馆。这句话谁写的我们做过调查,这是唐代伟大诗人杜甫在公元年写的,人生七十古来稀,那个时候全国人民平均寿...对应英文:A man seldom lives to be seventy years old. "Life seventy throughout the lean" this sentence should be in the Museum of history. Who wrote those words we do a survey, this is the great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu wrote in seventy BC, life rarely, when the National People's average life...

俗语人生七十古来稀rén shēng qī shí gǔ lái xī是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/279.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

 唐·杜甫《曲江》诗:“酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。”   《中国谚语总汇·汉族卷》:“众人拾柴火焰高,三家四靠糟了糕。” 《当代》1981年第6期:“众人拾柴火焰高嘛,掏出真心干,而不是坐着盼,这就是三号疏港方案的立足点。”亦作“ 众人捧柴火焰高 ”。 《人民日报》1973年2月1日:“ 抚宁县委从实践中体会到,众人捧柴火焰高。”[2]

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