

林深藏珍禽对应英文:Bayashi Fukakura bird

林深对叶茂,飞瀑对平湖,珍禽对异兽,画意对诗情,峰顶对沟谷,白天对黑夜,高楼对大厦,小巷对大街,现实对理想,地北对天南,发明对创造对应英文:Deep forest on leafy, waterfalls in Pinghu, rare birds and animals on to, picturesque poetry, peak to valley, the day to night, building on the building on the street, alley, the reality to the ideal, the north to the south, the invention of creation

画意对诗情,林深对海深,珍禽对异兽。对应英文:On the poetic picturesque, Lin deep to deep sea, birds to animals.

九寨沟珍禽异兽  位于四川省南坪县境内,面积万公顷,年经国务院批准建立,主要保护对象为大熊猫及森林生态系统。  本区地处岷山南端马杠岭的东北侧,主体为一南...对应英文:Jiuzhaigou is located in the territory of Sichuan Province, rare fowls and strange animals Nanping County, area million hectares, the State Council approved the establishment, the main target for the protection of giant panda and forest ecosystem. The northeast side of the zone is located at the southern end of the Minshan horse Gangling, main body is a south...

九寨沟珍禽异兽 位于四川省南坪县境内,面积万公顷,年经国务院批准建立,主要保护对象为大熊猫及森林生态系统。 本区地处岷山南端马杠岭的东北侧,主体为一南北走向...对应英文:Jiuzhaigou is located in the territory of Sichuan Province, rare fowls and strange animals Nanping County, area million hectares, the State Council approved the establishment, the main target for the protection of giant panda and forest ecosystem. The northeast side of the zone is located at the southern end of the Minshan horse Gangling, main body is a north-south...

这里孕育着数以千种计的动植物,有奇花异草,珍禽稀兽。 在大峡谷,高等植物种,昆虫也多达多种,都占整...他们在月日集合于西藏林芝地区,大峡谷入口处一个叫派的...对应英文:Here was born hundreds of thousands of animals and plants, with exotic flowers and rare herbs, rare birds and rare animals. In the Grand Canyon, higher plants, insects as many as many, have accounted for the entire... They in July gather in Linzhi area of Tibet, the Grand Canyon entrance a pie...

黑龙江呼中国家级自然保护区 ■江苏盐城沿海滩涂珍禽国家级自然保护区 ■浙江天目山国家级自然保护区 ■浙江南麂列国家级自然保护区 ■浙江乌岩岭国家级自然保护区 ■...对应英文:Heilongjiang call China National Nature Reserve Nature Reserve Zone Lianshan Zhejiang Wuyanling National Nature Reserve - Zhejiang Nanji Islands National District - Zhejiang Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Yancheng Coastal Wetland National Nature reserve...

深藏着一块古朴、原始,并充满神秘色彩、曾被国内外舆论广泛称为"中国百慕大"的瑰宝。经中国森林风景评价委...在崇山峻岭和密林深谷中奔腾咆哮,其形如雪涛奔涌、滚滚而下...对应英文:A simple hidden, primitive, and full of mystery, have been domestic and international public opinion widely known as the "treasure Chinese Bermuda". The forest landscape China Evaluation Committee... In the high mountains and lofty hills and deep in the forests the Pentium roar, its shape like Xuetao rushes, rolling down...

有耕地、草地和森林。有孔雀、长臂猿、藏熊、雪豹、藏羚羊等珍禽奇兽。产苹果、桃、梨、樱桃、葡萄、胡桃、杏仁、柑橘、茶叶、豆蔻和药材。夏季盛行季节游牧,草场上放...对应英文:Farmland, grassland and forest. A peacock, gibbon, bear, snow leopard, Tibetan Tibetan antelope and other unique fauna. Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, walnuts, almonds, citrus, tea, cardamom and herbs. In the summer season of grassland nomadic, put...

近年来,它以独特的自然风光,古朴的原始风貌,奇异的珍禽兽类和众多的旅游景点,吸引了来自国内外的游客。被誉为川东北旅游线上的一朵奇葩。 丽日和风的夏日,我陪...对应英文:In recent years, its unique natural scenery, and simplicity of the original style, exotic birds beasts, and a large number of tourist attractions, attracting tourists from home and abroad. Known as a flower in Northeast Sichuan tourism line. The sun and wind in summer, I accompany...

古老珍稀的孑遗植物如水杉、银杉、珙桐硕果仅存的珍禽异--大熊猫、金丝猴、白鳍豚、扬子锷、朱缳等驰名中外,多属长江流域特有。 )淡水鱼资源 长江流域湖泊众多,河川...对应英文:The ancient rare relict plants such as the Metasequoia, silver fir, Davidia involucrata There remained but a single one. rare birds and different: the giant panda, golden monkey, Bai Qitun, Chinese alligator, Zhu Huan and other famous Yangtze River Basin, is unique. ) lakes freshwater fish resources in the Yangtze River Basin, river...


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