

矮子面前不说短话对应英文:The dwarf said before the sentence is not

也就是别说人家短处,是人都有缺陷的。你兄弟你想哈人家说你的短处你会爽不对应英文:It is not others weaknesses, everyone has defects. Your brother you want, they say your weaknesses you are not cool

崩口人忌崩口碗,意思差不多,但是地道很多对应英文:Beng mouth people avoid collapse, mouth bowl, meaning almost, but the many

这就好比,矮子最怕别人说短话,和尚怕人说秃顶一样。对应英文:This is like, the dwarf are most afraid of the others that phrase, but bald monk said.

我绝对不会说人短话,只有我自己会被人说。可是无论如何,宁可人负我,我不负人。对应英文:I would never say one sentence, only I can be said. But in any case, rather than one negative I, I'm not negative.

矮子面前不说短话----是说打人不打脸,解人不揭短。 挨着勤的没懒得----是说跟好的学好,跟坏的学坏。带动作用。对应英文:The dwarf said briefly, before not is said "never, not Jieduan solution. Next to the ground not lazy, is said to learn from the good, the bad and bad. Leading role.

当着矮子不说短话 绝对不会说人短话,只有我自己会被人说。可是无论如何,宁可人负我,我不负人。对应英文:When a man doesn't say briefly never said briefly, only I can be said. But in any case, rather than one negative I, I'm not negative.

广州人常用"崩口人忌崩口碗"这句话来提醒人,说话要分轻重,见人讲人话,见鬼讲鬼话,千万别哪壶不开提哪壶,免得大家尴尬,下不了台。对应英文:Guangzhou people used "broken people avoid collapse, mouth bowl" this sentence to remind people, talk to divide the weight, people speak human language, speaking tone, don't which pot does not mention which pot, lest you awkward, embarrassed.

材料中,智者托着天平走过来爽朗地说 你们不必忧愁 测生命的重量这些都不是主要的砝码 这句话很重要。 你可以说说生命中什么最重要,什么才是生命真正的意义对应英文:Materials wise, holding the balance came Frank said you don't have to worry about measuring the weight of life are not the main weight this sentence is very important. You can talk about what is important in life, what is the real meaning of life

不打不相识 "小二"管"大王" 挨着勤的没懒的 矮子面前不说短话 按下葫芦起来瓢 八抬大轿请不去 八字没一撇 拔根汗毛比对应英文:Out of blows friendship grows "second" tube "King" before next to the ground not lazy dwarf not say briefly press the up gourd ladle eight carry big sedan please don't character did not write one hair than Rooter

"小二"管"大王" 挨着勤的没懒的 矮子面前不说短话 按下葫芦起来瓢 八抬大轿请不去 八字没一撇 拔根汗毛比腰粗 白披一张人皮 半斤对八两 半路上出家 饱汉不知饿汉饥 背...对应英文:"Small" tube "King" next to the front ground not lazy dwarf not say briefly press the up gourd ladle eight carry big sedan please don't character did not write one uproot hair than waist thick white Piyi human skin half a catty of eight two on the way a full man do not know E Hanji back...


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