

两耳不闻窗外事对应英文:Two ears not smell out of the window

“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”已不适用。对应英文:"Two ear not smell out of the window, read only sage with books" is not applicable.

两耳不闻窗外事,同心用心只看肥皂剧。对应英文:Two ears not smell out of the window, concentric attentively only watched the soaps.

既然决定考研,就要“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”,外面“花花世界”基本与你绝缘。对应英文:Since decided to one's deceased father grind, must be "two ear not smell out of the window, read only sage with books", "world" outside the basic insulation with you.

两耳不闻窗外事,同心用心只看肥皂剧。对应英文:Two ears not smell out of the window, concentric attentively only watched the soaps.

有人觉得博士生是书呆子,每天对着书本或者呆在实验室,两耳不闻窗外事,生活挺无趣。对应英文:Somebody feels PhD is a nerd, every day to the books or stay in the lab, two ear not smell out the window, life is pretty boring.

既然决定考研,就要“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”,外面“花花世界”基本与你绝缘。对应英文:Since decided to one's deceased father grind, must be "two ear not smell out of the window, read only sage with books", "world" outside the basic insulation with you.

大学是职业技能的一个来源,一个可以“两耳不闻窗外事”的所在,所以学生们越来越多地进入大学并留在那里。对应英文:University is a source of professional skills, a "two ear not smell out the window", so more and more students go to college and stay there.

中国曾是执迷“主权”、两耳不闻窗外事的国家,现在转向成为国际舞台上的主角,这由很多因素促成,最重要的当属不断增长的经济实力。对应英文:China used to be a "sovereign" passion, two ear not smell out the window of the country, now turned to become the leading actor on the international stage, which caused by many factors, the most important is the growing economic strength.

如果你两耳不闻窗外事是给变幻莫测的世界作出痛苦的让步,那你就感受不到来自外界的惊喜。对应英文:If you two ear not smell out of the window is make painful concessions to the vagaries of world, then you can feel surprise from the outside world.

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