

人生地不熟对应英文:A stranger

我在这里人生地不熟。对应英文:I'm a stranger here.

我刚来这边工作,人生地不熟,感觉很孤单。对应英文:I came to work here, a stranger, the feeling is very lonely.

我在这里人生地不熟,因此遇到麻烦事没人帮我(没有能帮助我的人)。对应英文:I'm a stranger here, so in trouble nobody help me (no man who can help me).

我刚来这边工作,人生地不熟,感觉很孤单。对应英文:I came to work here, a stranger, the feeling is very lonely.

我初来乍到,又人生地不熟,还是别开车啦。我打算住在学校,省得跑来跑去的。对应英文:I'm new here, and a stranger, or don't drive a car.

当我刚来到人生地不熟的新大陆,眼前一片迷茫时,是他给了我关照,让我感到一种特别的器重。对应英文:Total strangers when I first came to the new world, confused at the moment, is he to my care, let me feel a kind of special esteem.

亲爱的,我人生地不熟,我想出去见见其他人并接交几个朋友。对应英文:Dear, I'm a stranger, I want to go out and meet other people and make some friends.

不管怎样,听起来挺冒险的,人生地不熟,连厨师都要找,你却举家搬来了。对应英文:Anyway, it sounds risky, a stranger, even to find chefs, family has moved to you.

IBM在教室以外培养他们未来的全球化商界精英,派遣形形色色的团队前往人生地不熟的异国他乡去解决极具挑战性的问题。对应英文:IBM's globalization outside the classroom to cultivate their future business elite, sending diverse team to unfamiliar locales to solve challenging problems.

那年他的一个学生毕业后去了澳大利亚,因为人生地不熟,生活习惯和语言等方面的障碍,一直没有找到工作。对应英文:When one of his students after graduation went to Australia, because of a stranger, living habit and language barriers, there has been no find a job.

那时,刘向梅人生地不熟,唯一可以倾诉的人,就是王海,二人以兄妹相称。对应英文:At that time, total strangers Liu Xiangmei, the only person who can talk to, is wang hai, two people with siblings.

新的同事,新的办公室,以及全新的工作文化,会让你充满了人生地不熟的感觉。对应英文:New colleagues, new office, and new work culture, will make you feel full of strangers.

由于人生地不熟,他也不感到这身破衣服在公众场所中的寒酸,自由自在地在这个城市的四面八方逛荡。对应英文:As a stranger, he didn't feel this in shabby shabby outfit in public, freely loiter in the city of all sides.

然而,我们其实还满开心的,因为能够在这种非常人生地不熟之处吃到熟悉又温暖的食物,实属难得。对应英文:However, we also be happy, because to total strangers in this very familiar and warm place to eat food, it is rare.

他们是工作时间中的贴身管家,在人生地不熟语言不通的土地上,老外就是脑残。对应英文:They are the personal butler in working time, total strangers in the language of the land, the foreigner is brain damage.

我的一个朋友努力开导我,她告诉我,她的一位年轻男同事有个和我同龄的弟弟,刚从俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市搬到这里,人生地不熟。对应英文:One of my friends try to teach me, she told me that she's a young male colleagues have a younger brother and my age, just moved here from Cincinnati, Ohio, city, a stranger.

来到了人生地不熟的休士顿机场,我努力寻找著说好要来接机的学长。对应英文:Total strangers came to Houston airport, I try to look for the good will come to pick up the senior.


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