

退而求其次对应英文:Settle for second best
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当小孩咳嗽或打喷嚏时,应当教其拿纸巾遮挡,用后立即丢垃圾桶;如果没有纸巾,可以退而求其次,用臂弯代之。对应英文:When the child coughs or sneezes, ought to teach its take a tissue and throw trash can immediately after use;

因此,如果没有一个可以实际观测到的速度可供参考,那么可以退而求其次,估算一个团队的速度。对应英文:So, if there is no one can actually observed velocity for reference, then you can settle for second best, estimate the speed of a team.

当小孩咳嗽或打喷嚏时,应当教其拿纸巾遮挡,用后立即丢垃圾桶;如果没有纸巾,可以退而求其次,用臂弯代之。对应英文:When the child coughs or sneezes, ought to teach its take a tissue and throw trash can immediately after use;

因此,如果没有一个可以实际观测到的速度可供参考,那么可以退而求其次,估算一个团队的速度。对应英文:So, if there is no one can actually observed velocity for reference, then you can settle for second best, estimate the speed of a team.

老实说,我原来还以为通过自行车和公共交通来周游洛杉矶是一件难以忍受的琐事——一种为了省钱才退而求其次的旅游方式。对应英文:To be honest, I originally thought through bicycles and public transport to travel around Los Angeles is an intolerable things - a way to save money to settle for second best way of traveling.

一些人把他们的爱好搁在一边,退而求其次,选择一些便宜的东西,他们希望他们能够承担的起工艺品的价格。对应英文:Some people put aside their hobbies, settle for second best, cheaper alternatives, they wish they could afford craft supplies.

她的男友和保护兄弟(芝加哥)偶人,她感觉像世界欠她,她就会白白退而求其次。对应英文:Her boyfriend and protect brother (Chicago) OuRen, she feels like the world owes her, she will all be settle for second best.

如果你一开始就很懒,退而求其次,整日里只说英文,你就不会学习新的词汇、新的表达方式和所有(广东话)的知识。对应英文:If you are lazy from the start, the next best, only speak English all day, you will not learn new words and new expressions and all the knowledge (cantonese).

如果人们一心倾注于某件物品上,而一旦他们承担不起他们真正希望购买的物品时,他们必然会退而求其次。对应英文:If people focused on an item, and if they cannot afford what they really want to buy goods, they will settle for second best.

不管成功大小,成功的道路也许都是崎岖的。当道路变得崎岖的时候,猛冲过去,绝不要降低追求的目标,退而求其次。对应英文:No matter success size, the road to success may be rugged.

当我们年岁渐长,大多数人对学习以及成功的热情通常会日趋减少,我们会心甘情愿地满足于退而求其次。对应英文:As we age, most people's passion for learning and success often is decreasing, we will willingly content to settle for second best.

借磁带是退而求其次的办法。对应英文:Borrowing tapes is the next best way.

即使作为一个歌手不成功,但他受过师资培训,还可以 退而求其次。对应英文:Even as a singer is not successful, but he trained teacher training, also can settle for second best.

退而求其次,半数以上的绝对支持率,即50%以上,如果可以化成选票,都会在一般选举制度中胜出。对应英文:Settle for second best, more than half of the absolute, is more than 50%, if can be turned to vote, would win in the general election system.

每人一条专用的道路显然太过昂贵,于是社会退而求其次,在保留“公路”的同时约束人们的行路规范。对应英文:Each person a special path clearly too expensive, so social settle for second best, while keeping the "highway" at the same time constraint specification on the road.

我们的历程才刚刚开始,那将不是走捷径或退而求其次的历程。对应英文:Our journey has just begun, it will not take shortcuts or settling for less.

如果他们不能亲自看到他们的领导人,员工要查看退而求其次。对应英文:If they can't actually see their leader, the staff to see the next best.

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