

下笔如有神对应英文:Such as writing"

中国古语有云:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。对应英文:China goes the: read volumes, such as writing ".

有的一拿试卷就走马观花看一遍,下笔如有神,似乎有一种神奇的力量在帮助他们一样;对应英文:Some one to take the examination paper will tour to see again, such as writing, seems to have a magic power to help them;

一位学者坐下来写作,数十年的学术修为不见得能为他带来什么好点子,也不会让他下笔如有神;对应英文:A scholar sat down to write, decades of academic for not bring him any good idea, also won't let him writing such as god;

中国古语有云:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。对应英文:China goes the: read volumes, such as writing ".

有的一拿试卷就走马观花看一遍,下笔如有神,似乎有一种神奇的力量在帮助他们一样;对应英文:Some one to take the examination paper will tour to see again, such as writing, seems to have a magic power to help them;

一位学者坐下来写作,数十年的学术修为不见得能为他带来什么好点子,也不会让他下笔如有神;对应英文:A scholar sat down to write, decades of academic for not bring him any good idea, also won't let him writing such as god;


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