

吃哑巴亏对应英文:Be cheated but unable to talk about it for one reason or another
释 义;自己遭受暗算或受损吃亏,不敢声张或无法申诉,只好自认吃亏。
    词 目
    发 音
    chī yǎ bā kuī
    释 义
    出 处

人民币一定要成为国际货币,才能摆脱老吃哑巴亏的局面。对应英文:RMB must become an international currency, in order to get rid of this passive situation.

因为没有离岗健康体检讲演,员工将面对无法提供证据吃哑巴亏的尴尬。对应英文:Because there is no post health examination report, the staff will face cannot provide evidence of awkward silence.

女人吃哑巴亏的时候多了,这陷阱都是那些智商高等的男人的为智商低的女人们挖的,看到猎物的沦陷自己的成功,他们定将犹如成功捕猎的王者嘴角露出带血的微笑。对应英文:When women eat yabakui more, this trap is the IQ higher man for the low IQ women dig, see prey fall of their success, they will be like the successful hunting king mouth with blood.

人民币一定要成为国际货币,才能摆脱老吃哑巴亏的局面。对应英文:RMB must become an international currency, in order to get rid of this passive situation.

因为没有离岗健康体检讲演,员工将面对无法提供证据吃哑巴亏的尴尬。对应英文:Because there is no post health examination report, the staff will face cannot provide evidence of awkward silence.

女人吃哑巴亏的时候多了,这陷阱都是那些智商高等的男人的为智商低的女人们挖的,看到猎物的沦陷自己的成功,他们定将犹如成功捕猎的王者嘴角露出带血的微笑。对应英文:When women eat yabakui more, this trap is the IQ higher man for the low IQ women dig, see prey fall of their success, they will be like the successful hunting king mouth with blood.

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