

生米煮成熟饭对应英文:Uncooked rice to cook mature rice
生米煮成熟饭   拼音: shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn 简拼: smzf   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 比喻事情已经做成了,不能再改变。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   生米煮成熟饭生米做成熟饭        

这是必要的,虽然提比略在家族里已经没有什么竞争对手了,然而元老院有可能不会承认他的地位,这时生米煮成熟饭无疑是上策。对应英文:This is necessary, although tiberius has no rivals in the family, but the senate could not admit his position, then uncooked rice to cook mature rice is the best policy.

这是必要的,虽然提比略在家族里已经没有什么竞争对手了,然而元老院有可能不会承认他的地位,这时生米煮成熟饭无疑是上策。对应英文:This is necessary, although tiberius has no rivals in the family, but the senate could not admit his position, then uncooked rice to cook mature rice is the best policy.

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