

大难不死对应英文:Escape from death in a great catastrophe

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dà nàn bù sǐ

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金龙被凯杰一枪打中落海,大难不死,却瞎了一只眼睛。对应英文:Jinlong is Kaijie shot fallen into the sea, escape from death in a great catastrophe, is blind in one eye.

一名英国军官在肯亚参加跳伞训练时,降落伞打开失败,他从3500英尺的高空落下后,竟然大难不死,奇迹般地捡回了一条命。对应英文:A British officer in Kenya in parachute training, parachute failed to open, he from 3500 feet down, even escape from death in a great catastrophe, miraculously saved a life.

大难不死的话,就需要骑马逃跑,日后好东山再起。对应英文:Escape from death in a great catastrophe words, need to ride away, the future good stage a comeback.

金龙被凯杰一枪打中落海,大难不死,却瞎了一只眼睛。对应英文:Jinlong is Kaijie shot fallen into the sea, escape from death in a great catastrophe, is blind in one eye.

一名英国军官在肯亚参加跳伞训练时,降落伞打开失败,他从3500英尺的高空落下后,竟然大难不死,奇迹般地捡回了一条命。对应英文:A British officer in Kenya in parachute training, parachute failed to open, he from 3500 feet down, even escape from death in a great catastrophe, miraculously saved a life.

从这个大难不死的的故事中,我们学到了能给予我们勇气和力量的话语。对应英文:The escape from death in a great catastrophe from the story, we learn that can give us courage and strength of the discourse.

迄今已有一名矿工死于该病,并有另外两名患病,但大难不死,能够协助调查。对应英文:So far, one of the miners died from the disease, and two other patients, but the escape from death in a great catastrophe, to assist in the investigation.

一名巴西女子在枪战中大难不死,因为子弹的撞击力道被她塞进自己胸罩内的钱吸收。对应英文:A woman in Brazil during a gun battle in escape from death in a great catastrophe, because of the impact of a bullet was her into her bra money absorption.

从这个大难不死的故事中,我们学到了能给予我们勇气与力量的话语,无论你遭遇了什么,都要对你自己说:一定能挺过去的。对应英文:From the escape from death in a great catastrophe in the story, we learn that can give us courage and strength of the discourse, regardless of what you have, have to say to yourself: you can handle it.

它们熬过了生命里最开始的那些艰难岁月,现在几乎这个团体的每一个成员都是“大难不死,必有后福”啦。对应英文:They through those hard times start to life, now almost every member of this group are "escape from death in a great catastrophe, the spoils".

他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死。对应英文:He eluded the police chase in racing, the car was out of control, a head hit the outside the tomb stone, but he could escape from death in a great catastrophe.

一只巴掌大的宠物龟被一只黄金猎犬吞下肚,所幸一名12岁女孩迅速采取行动,让两只动物在这场意外中都大难不死,一名兽医说。对应英文:A palm sized pet turtle and the golden retriever swallow, fortunately, a 12 year old girl to act quickly, let two animal escape from death in a great catastrophe in the accident, a veterinarian said.

大难不死的清洁工意识依然清醒,还回答了现场救护人员的简单问话。对应英文:Consciousness escape from death in a great catastrophe sweeps still awake, still answer the simple question of ambulance personnel.

件中有些人大难不死被新闻界广泛报导。对应英文:Some people in the hard part was widely reported by the press.

毫无疑问,它们是开心的。它们熬过了生命里最开始的那些艰难岁月,现在几乎这个团体的每一个成员都是“大难不死,必有后福”啦。对应英文:No doubt, they are happy. They through those hard times start to life, now almost every member of this group are "escape from death in a great catastrophe, the spoils".

美国三大汽车厂商在2009年的经济危机中都遭逢了灭顶之灾。 他们之所以最终都大难不死,而且现在还在赢利,并非是由于美国车的质量高人一等。对应英文:USA three major automobile manufacturers are encountering the crowning calamity in the financial crisis of 2009. They eventually escape from death in a great catastrophe, and it is still profitable, is not because of the quality USA car regard oneself head and shoulders above others.

我们两次被召往医院,但老父亲大难不死,不久就完全康复了。对应英文:The two time we were called to the hospital, but the old man escape from death in a great catastrophe, soon recovered completely.

英国一位64岁的老人近日烤香肠时被30万伏特闪电击中他的烧烤叉,但大难不死。对应英文:A 64 year old British man recently grilled sausage 300000 volts of electricity when lightning struck his barbecue fork, but escape from death in a great catastrophe.

当地新闻报道指出斯托达德英勇在他的妻子,谁被击中,但大难不死驶来。对应英文:Local news reports said Stoddard valiant at his wife, who was hit, but escape from death in a great catastrophe came.

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