

粮草欲空兵心乱对应英文:Forage for air force "

毫无斗志,乃对其迫降,下令清军包围南汉山城,伐木列栅,绕城驻守,山城内粮草断绝,不得不杀马充饥。各路勤王军队也被清军击败,朝鲜君臣只有坐困孤城。仁祖曾经爬到南汉山...对应英文:No fighting, but on the landing, ordered the army surrounded namhansanseong, logging column grid, city garrison city, food cut off, had to kill the horse with hunger. The loyalist forces has also been the beat, North Korea only be confined and isolated. Ren Zu ever climbed to South mountain...

运粮食的队伍势必远远地落到后边,希望您临时拨给我奇兵三万人,从隐蔽小路拦截他们的粮草,您就深挖战壕,高筑营垒,坚守军营,不与交战。他们向前不得战斗,向后无法退却,...对应英文:Food shipped team is bound to fall behind far, hope you to my temporary Raiders thirty thousand people, from the hidden path intercept their food, you dig deep trenches, built high camp, stick to the barracks, not at war with. They may fight back forward, can not retreat,...

曹操见连日阵雨,粮草将尽,又无法取胜,心正烦恼。这时士兵来问晚间的口令,曹操正呆呆看着碗内鸡肋思想进退之计,便随口答道鸡肋!当"鸡肋"这个口令传到主簿杨修那里,这家...对应英文:Cao Cao see days of rain showers, food will do, can not win, the heart is troubled. Then the soldiers asked night password, Cao Cao is stared at the bowl of chicken ribs thought and plan, they casually replied "chicken ribs" chicken ribs! When the password to the Secretary Yang Xiu, the...

在飞虎山上,空空儿华丽丽地正式出场,与段圭璋在空中椅子上大打了一场~  第六集 最后救走夏凌霜,激怒精精...终于见到了朝思暮想的夏姑娘,却要为粮草发愁,空空儿真的变了...对应英文:Flying Tiger, son magnificent debut of empty, and Duan Guizhang in the air the chair had a ~ sixth set finally rescued Xia Lingshuang, enraged sperm... Finally see yearn day and night of summer girl, had to worry about food, empty son really changed...

但岳飞很快发现自己是孤军深入,既无援兵,又无粮草,不得不撤回鄂州(今湖北武昌)。此次北伐,岳飞壮志未酬,写下了千古绝唱的名词《满江红》 怒发冲冠,凭栏处,潇潇雨歇。...对应英文:But Yue Fei soon found himself is moving, no reinforcements, and no food, had to retreat to Ezhou (now Hubei Wuchang). The northern expedition, Yue Fei wrote a poetic masterpiece through the ages have one's wish, the term "Azolla" be up his hat, a drizzly rain break. ...

诸葛亮之为相国也,抚百姓,示仪轨,约官职,从权制,开诚心,布公道尽忠益时者虽雠必赏,犯法怠慢者虽亲必罚,服罪输情者虽重必释,游辞巧饰者虽轻必戮善无微而不赏,恶无纤而...对应英文:Zhu Geliang as prime minister, people ask, the rituals, about office, from the system, open heart, cloth fair dedicated to benefit are enemy shall reward criminal neglect, though dear will punish the guilty feeling lost, though heavy will release cover up, although the light will cut good without micro without reward, no evil fiber and...

、兵来将挡,水来土掩--指根据具体情况,采取灵活的对付办法。 、兵马未动,粮草先行--指出兵之前,先准备好粮食和草料。比喻在做某件事情之前,提前做好准备工作。 ...对应英文:, Fight fire with water. - refers to according to the specific situation, and adopt a flexible way to deal with. , An army marches on its stomach. - pointed out that the soldiers before, to prepare food and fodder. Parable before doing something, preparations in advance. ...

袁绍下令长沙太守孙坚为先锋,起兵攻打汜水关。南阳太守袁术负责运粮草,供应各营。 董卓接到告急文书,召集众将商议,吕布愿前去迎战诸侯,不料华雄却自告奋勇要当先锋。...对应英文:Yuan Shao ordered Changsha Prefecture Sun Jian as the pioneer, fight against the Bank of water. Nanyang Prefecture Yuan Shu is responsible for food grass, the supply of the camp. Dong Zhuo received an instrument, called took counsel, Lv Bu would go against the princes, but actually offer oneself to be the vanguard of huaxiong. ...

二人唯唯服 罪。孔明拜辞后主,复到汉中,一面发檄令李严应付粮草,仍运赴军前一面再议 出师。杨仪曰"前数兴兵,军力罢敝,粮又不继今不如分兵两班,以三个月为 期且如二...对应英文:Two people were taking crime. Kong Ming take leave after the main, complex in Hanzhoung, a hair Xi Li Yan cope with food, is shipped to the army before the side of apprenticeship. Yang Yi said, "master, we count, military, food and not following this not for two to three months for a period, and as of two...

各个国家在官职到了一定程度以后就可以通过声望和功勋在国家大营领取军队,但只要封过馆就可以领取粮草和武器。有些官职会发军饷,自动送到,不用去拿,各个国家到达一定...对应英文:All countries in the office to a certain extent the future can receive forces in the national camp by fame and merit, but as long as a museum can receive food and weapons. Some office will send the pay, automatically sent to, do not get, each country has reached a certain...


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