

好不到哪里去对应英文:Good to go

不幸地是,这个诠释比(HP1)好不到哪里去。对应英文:Unfortunately, this explanation ratio (HP1), where to go.

当然,你这么做的性质和你女朋友背着你出去偷欢比起来好不到哪里去,但有时候就是需要你这么做一下。对应英文:Of course, the properties you do your girlfriend and carry you out Touhuan is not where to go, but sometimes need is for you to do.

湖边夜总会和酒吧里的歌手很差劲,常常比喝醉酒唱卡拉OK的客人好不到哪里去。对应英文:The lake nightclub and bar singer is very poor, often than drunk singing Cara OK guest not where to go.

当然,你这么做的性质和你女朋友背着你出去偷欢比起来好不到哪里去,但有时候就是需要你这么做一下。对应英文:Of course, the properties you do your girlfriend and carry you out Touhuan is not where to go, but sometimes need is for you to do.

湖边夜总会和酒吧里的歌手很差劲,常常比喝醉酒唱卡拉OK的客人好不到哪里去。对应英文:The lake nightclub and bar singer is very poor, often than drunk singing Cara OK guest not where to go.


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