

野火烧不尽对应英文:Wild fire can't burn them up; again
  野火烧不尽,春风吹又生   拼音:    解释: 野火不能烧尽野草,春天一到野草又长出来了。比喻富有生命力的事物,任何力量也扼杀不了。  




野火烧不尽,春风吹又深。对应英文:Wildfires burn, deep again when the spring breeze blows.

白居易在诗中这样写道:“野火烧烧不尽,春风吹又生。”对应英文:Bai juyi wrote in the poem: "wild fire burn, born again when the spring breeze blows."

美国这些年的所谓反恐,只是想用军事佔领和飞机、导弹来达到目的,事态发展证明美国事与愿违,因为根源不解决,恐怖主义就是野火烧不尽的春草。对应英文:The years of the so-called anti-terrorism, just want to use military occupation and aircraft, missiles to achieve a goal, developments prove counterproductive in the United States, because the root is not solved, terrorism is wildfires burn spring grass.

“草根文化”有顽强的生命力,正如中国古诗上所说“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”;对应英文:"Grassroots culture" has a tenacious vitality, as in ancient Chinese poetry said "wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows".

美国这些年的所谓反恐,只是想用军事佔领和飞机、导弹来达到目的,事态发展证明美国事与愿违,因为根源不解决,恐怖主义就是野火烧不尽的春草。对应英文:The years of the so-called anti-terrorism, just want to use military occupation and aircraft, missiles to achieve a goal, developments prove counterproductive in the United States, because the root is not solved, terrorism is wildfires burn spring grass.


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