

口大喉咙小对应英文:Big mouth throat small

是扁桃体炎,叫医生开点消炎药吃就行了。可以自行将其取出也可以叫医生帮你取出也行,问题不大。对应英文:Tonsillitis, ask the doctor to prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine eat on the line. Can automatically remove it can also call a doctor to help you out of line, no problem.

无论怎样作吞咽动作,疼痛不减,喉咙的入口两边及四周如果均不见鱼刺,就应去医院治疗。 .当鱼刺卡在嗓子里时,千万不能让患者囫囵吞咽大块馒头、烙饼等食物。虽然有时这样...对应英文:No matter how be swallowing, pain reduction, entrance on both sides and around the throat if all do not see the fish, they should go to the hospital treatment. When a fish bone stuck in my throat, cannot let the patients swallowing large Steamed buns, Flapjack food. Although sometimes it...

用筷子蘸一点盐,然后点一下小舌头,它就会缩上去的我奶奶经常帮我点小舌头,虽然有点痛苦,不过会好的快一点对应英文:Using chopsticks dipped in a little salt, and then click the small tongue, it will shrink up my grandmother often help my little tongue, although a little pain, but will be well soon

是咽喉炎,一个个红颜色的小球,有好几个,一般是感冒扁桃腺发炎导致咽喉炎的复发,就是感觉口干。忌讳食,辣,腥,刺激的食物,也可以吃点慢咽舒拧。或者用点西瓜霜喷剂,喷。...对应英文:A sore throat, a Confidante color ball, there are several, is generally cold tonsil inflammation lead to angina recurrence, is the feeling of thirst. Taboo food, spicy, fishy, spicy food, also can eat slowly and screw. Or some watermelon frost spray, spray. ...

是气管的"盖儿"。你喝水或吃东西的时候,这个"盖儿"就把气管入口给盖上。如果没有它吃喝的东西就都进到气管里了。对应英文:Is the cover pipe "". When you drink water or eat, this "cover" the entrance to cover the trachea. If it does not eat and drink it into the trachea.

应该是扁桃体发炎吧对应英文:Is inflammation of the tonsils

楼主你好你这个可能是原来感冒期间伴有咽喉部的疼痛,悬雍垂充血水肿,愈后没能恢复好所致,就像扁桃体发炎的患者,愈后还是会摸着耳后淋巴结的肿块,但是没有临床症状,...对应英文:Landlord hello you this may be associated with pain throat so cold during the uvula, hyperemia and edema, can not recover after tonsil inflammation caused by, as were, after healing will touch the ear lymph node mass, but no clinical symptoms,...

应该没大事 大夫说是因为有慢性咽炎 食物残渣停留在咽喉部最后形成了乳白色固体 还常有异味 如果不放心的话可以到医院就诊对应英文:Should be no big doctor said because food chronic pharyngitis stuck in the throat and finally formed a white solid often still have peculiar smell if you do not mind can go to hospital

可能是滤泡,慢性咽炎就会有,去医院看看吧对应英文:May is follicular, will be chronic pharyngitis, go to the hospital to have a look

如果热已退了,血像也不高的话,就多注意小孩的休息,多喝一些水,就会好的,不要太耽心了,不过像你的小孩用那么多药是有点太滥了,因为任何药都是有付作用的,用了青霉素还...对应英文:If the heat is gone, the blood is not high enough, they pay more attention to children's rest, drink some water, will be good, don't worry too much about, but as your child with so many drugs are a bit disappointed, because any medicines have side effect, also with penicillin...


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