

出门看天色对应英文:Go out to see the sky

入门看脸色对应英文:Introduction to see her face

先看外面的天色确定不是白天,再看自己的胆色,够不够量,然后看女鬼的脸色,是不是处于刺激状态,接下来是继续研究女鬼姿色还是看你的印堂色,就看你的幸运色了。对应英文:Look at the outside weather determined not day, look at their bravery, enough volume, and then see the ghost's face, Is it right? Is stimulated, the next is to continue research on the female beauty or watch your Yintang color, see your lucky color.


聚精会神 肥头大耳 眉清目秀 衣衫不整 慈眉善目 贼眉鼠眼 其貌不扬 乘兴而来 大快人心 大喜过望 欢天喜地 欢欣鼓舞 欢声雷动 回嗔作喜 皆大欢喜 惊喜若狂 举国若狂 乐...对应英文:Concentrate one's attention on fat have beautiful features untidy a benevolent and kind countenance shifty-eyed ugly in one's appearance come on an impulse This cheers the people greatly. overjoyed to be full of joy dance for joy give a great shout of approval to the satisfaction of all turn from angry into happy mood go wild with joy The whole nation becomes mad. music...

出门观天色,()对应英文:Go out to view the weather, ()

你直接在百度里找十三狼唱的。就可以找到陕西方言版的了. 我也喜欢,呵呵......你可以在网上搜索这个乐队 " "是来自西安的一支乐队组合, 的中文意思...对应英文:You directly in the Baidu for thirteen wolf song. You can find the Shaanxi dialect version. I also like, ha ha... You can search the web for the band "" from Xi'an is a band, the Chinese meaning...

寄人篱下,要看老板、主管脸色,不看脸色,难免要被炒鱿鱼、被穿小鞋。于是"出门看天色,入门看脸色。"成了南方人经常挂在嘴边的一句谚语。有人认为这话世故,也显得缺乏人...对应英文:Jirenlixia, to see the boss, head face, do not look at the face, will not be fired, was chuanxiaoxie. So go out to see the sky, "Introduction to look at his face. "The southerners often hung in the mouth of a proverb. Some people think that this world, also is the lack of people...

脸色,缘由出门观天色,进门看脸色对应英文:Look, why go out to view the sky, watching the door face

(上海值得去看看的地方很多很多,因为你的提问有些简单,我不知道你喜欢什么,所以我把主要的景点和购物娱乐...吃完小吃后天色已暗,你出门后会发觉与白天不同的城隍庙夜景。...对应英文:(Shanghai worth to have a look of the place of a lot of, because the questions you ask some simple, I do not know what you like, so I put the main attractions and shopping and entertainment... Eating snacks after dark, you go out the day after that and the night view of Town God's Temple. ...

鸡鸣早看天。为了避祸免灾,出门人,天没黑,就要尽快找旅馆住下。鸡叫了,看看天色,天亮了,赶快起来赶路。对应英文:At early days. In order to avoid to avoid disaster, people go out, the day did not black, should as soon as possible to find a hotel to live. The cock crow, have a look the sky, dawn, hurry up.


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