

大旱之望云霓对应英文:Drought of neon clouds
                成语 大旱望云霓    发音 dà hàn wàng yún ní    解释 云霓:下雨的征兆。好像大旱的时候盼望寸水一样。比喻渴望解除困境。    出处 《孟子·梁惠王下》:“民望之,若大旱之望云霓也。” 《孟子·梁惠王下》:“民望之,若大旱之望云霓也。”    示例 《孟子·梁惠王下》:“民望之,若大旱之望云霓也。”   足足等了一个钟头的光景,而我们如~一样,所等候的兵车始终没有开来。 ★郭沫若《学生时代·到宜兴去》   

人民盼望它,好像大旱的时候盼望寸水一样对应英文:People look forward to it, as if the drought when the water like hope "

大旱望云霓的意思是好像大旱的时候盼望春水一样。用在此表明百姓在夏桀的统治下,生活极为艰难,盼望商汤解救他们的期望是很高的。对应英文:Look forward to relief from disaster mean when I hope spring drought. This shows that people use in Xia Jie's rule, life is very difficult, hope ought to save their expectations are high.

好象大旱的时候盼望寸水一样。比喻渴望解除困境。【出处】《孟子·梁惠王下》"民望之,若大旱之望云霓也。"../. 成语...对应英文:If the drought when the water like hope ". Metaphor to lift the plight. [source] the "popularity" Mencius, King Hui of Liang ", if the drought at the clouds also. The idiom ". /...

云霓   丰子恺   这是去年夏天的事。   两个月不下雨。太阳每天晒十五小时。寒暑表中的水银每天爬到...大热的苦闷和大旱的恐慌充塞了人间。   室内没有一处地方...对应英文:Feng Zikai this is the cloud last summer. Two months without rain. Every day the sun exposure for fifteen hours. The mercury in a thermometer daily climb... Hot depression and drought panic filled with earth. Indoor no where...

大旱望云霓 (à à à ú í) 云霓下雨的征兆。好象大旱的时候盼望寸水一样。比喻渴望解除困境。 大失人望 (à ī é à) 指在群众中严重丧失威望,威信扫地...对应英文:Look forward to relief from disaster (à à à ú í) signs of rain clouds. If the drought when the water like hope ". Metaphor to lift the plight. Dashirenwang (à h é à) refers to the serious loss of prestige among the masses, completely discredited...

细腻深刻地感受了"前一年"即年的那一场大旱。 丰子恺通过恐怖景物的描写,人们用水的叙述,人们盼云的刻...云霓的变化,又描写人们盼下雨望云霓的心情的变化。 阅读文本...对应英文:Delicate deeply felt "that a drought in the year before that year". Feng Zikai through the horror description of scenery, people use narrative, changes in people's hope cloud cloud, and describes the moment... People looking at changes in rain clouds mood. Reading the text...

真是"大旱之望云霓"啊!"久旱逢甘雨",过去曾被称为人生四大乐事之一。雨,终于来了,是甘霖普降啊!没有电闪雷鸣,亦非风狂雨横,只是如丝的细雨,微雨,脚步轻轻,细语温声,...对应英文:It is "the drought at the clouds" ah! "A welcome rain after a long drought", used to be known as one of the four great pleasure in life. Rain, rain has finally come, is ah! No -- lose one's temper, nor wind storm cross, just like silk drizzle, rain, gently footsteps, softly warm sound,...

不啻 ()不止不只工程所需,~万金。()如同人民盼望解放军,~大旱之望云霓。 不错 对正确~,他是这么说的。 不待 用不着(说)~言。 不单 ()不止超额完成任务...对应英文:(as) more than the needs of the project, ~ wanjin. As people's Liberation Army () ~ hope, drought at the clouds. Good right ~, so he says. Not to be without (saying) ~ speech. Not a single () more than excess to complete the task...

()如同人民盼望解放军,~大旱之望云霓。 不错 对正确~,他是这么说的。 不待 用不着(说)~言。 不单 ()不止超额完成任务的,~是这个生产队。()不但人民解放军~...对应英文:As people's Liberation Army () ~ hope, drought at the clouds. Good right ~, so he says. Not to be without (saying) ~ speech. Not a single () more than excess to complete the task, the production team. () is not only the people's Liberation Army...

--清·洪亮吉《治平篇》∶如同人民盼望解放军,不啻大旱之望云霓虽连城拱壁不啻也。--《聊斋志异·促织》 ∶不过比诸大江,不啻小支而已。--英赫胥黎...对应英文:- Ching, Hong Liangji "Zhiping": as people's hope that the PLA, as though looking clouds in Liancheng arch wall would also. -- "Strange tales from Liaozhai · Cricket", but compared with the river, like small support. -- Huxley...


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