

此时无声胜有声对应英文:Told even more in silence than they had told in sound
  此时无声胜有声   拼音:    解释: 胜:超过。原指没有声音时比有声音更能表达出内心深处的愁恨。引申指人的模范行为比言谈口号影响更大。  




事实非言语交际,正如俗话说,此时无声胜有声。对应英文:The fact of nonverbal communication, as the saying goes, the silent - sound.

当他们看到在他们生命中第一个小生命诞生的美妙时,此时无声胜有声。对应英文:When they saw the birth in their life the first small life wonderful, silence sound.

零星闪耀的是你嫣然一笑时闪过的明眸,此时无声胜有声,无声之外更无声。对应英文:Sporadic shine is flashed you give a pleasant smile of a woman, the silent, silent more silent outside.

事实非言语交际,正如俗话说,此时无声胜有声。对应英文:The fact of nonverbal communication, as the saying goes, the silent - sound.

当他们看到在他们生命中第一个小生命诞生的美妙时,此时无声胜有声。对应英文:When they saw the birth in their life the first small life wonderful, silence sound.

零星闪耀的是你嫣然一笑时闪过的明眸,此时无声胜有声,无声之外更无声。对应英文:Sporadic shine is flashed you give a pleasant smile of a woman, the silent, silent more silent outside.

在花卉交流中,花语虽无声,但此时无声胜有声,其中的涵义和情感表达甚于言语。对应英文:In the exchange of flowers, flower although silent, but silence sound, meaning and emotion expression which rather than words.


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