

吃不了兜着走对应英文:Get more than one bargained for
                词 目 吃不了兜着走   发 音 chī bù liǎo dōu zhe zǒu  释 义 比喻受不了或担当不起。  出 处   示 例 不可拿进园去,叫人知道了,我就“~”了。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十三回)   

你觉得有点狂野和冲动,可能冲动行事,这可能让你吃不了兜着走哟。对应英文:You feel a bit wild or impulsive, may act on impulse, which may allow you to get more than one bargained for.

那样的话,我就得吃不了兜着走,特别是圣诞节很快就到了,这可是一年中中国产品大行其道的时候。对应英文:In that case, I'll have to get more than one bargained for, especially the day soon arrived, this time but is popular China product of the year.

你最好不要再干了,否则你要吃不了兜着走。对应英文:You'd better not do it again, or you'll get more than one bargained for.

你觉得有点狂野和冲动,可能冲动行事,这可能让你吃不了兜着走哟。对应英文:You feel a bit wild or impulsive, may act on impulse, which may allow you to get more than one bargained for.

那样的话,我就得吃不了兜着走,特别是圣诞节很快就到了,这可是一年中中国产品大行其道的时候。对应英文:In that case, I'll have to get more than one bargained for, especially the day soon arrived, this time but is popular China product of the year.

她叫我自己应付这件事,也就是说吃不了兜着走。我不太懂。对应英文:She asked me to deal with this matter, that is to say get more than one bargained for. I'm not really sure.

这个夏季多亏了绿军总经理安吉的努力保住了球队的架构,他们接下来两年还是会让科比-布莱恩特吃不了兜着走。对应英文:This summer thanks to the green army general manager of Anji's efforts to keep the structure of the club over the next two years, they will let the Kobe - Bryant to get more than one bargained for.

艺术家、文化人为此创作了大量的歌颂丰收喜悦、吃不了兜着走的图画和诗篇。对应英文:Artists, cultural people therefore created a lot of praise of the joy of harvest, get more than one bargained for pictures and poems.

明白吗?你别给我捅娄子,否则我让你吃不了兜着走!对应英文:See? You don't give me into trouble, otherwise I will let you get more than one bargained for!

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