

儿大三分客对应英文:Big three guest

正确的判断应根据产妇年龄、胎产次、骨盆大小、胎儿大小、胎儿是否存活、臀先露类型,以及有无合并症考虑。如出现下列现象需剖宫产结束分娩   骨盆狭窄,胎儿过大,...对应英文:Judgment should be based on maternal age, parity, pelvis, fetal size, whether the fetus survival, Tun Xianlu type, and there is no comorbidity to consider. As the following phenomena need Caesarean birth narrow pelvis, fetal too big,...

我今年申请,发现托福的分儿还是更重要一些,很多商学院对托福的分起码都是,每项还都有最低要求限制,比如什么的。而的均分除了特别牛的学校还有变态的专业,...对应英文:I apply this year, found that son TOEFL or more important, many business schools on the TOEFL is divided at least, each has a minimum requirement, such as what the. While sharing in addition to the special school and metamorphosis of the professional bull,...

走走票就比我多了。唉,不过后来我一想,算了,为同学服务嘛,咱不图功名。 结果呢,积极分子也一年了,导员提名预备党员又没有我,平时什么工作都没有的人反倒被提名。 学生...对应英文:Take away votes more than me. Yeah, but then I thought, well, services for students, I don't figure of fame. As a result, activists have also a year, a member of the nomination of probationary party members and no I, usually what work are not the people he was nominated. Student.

业跟学一两年的二学位还是不小区别的。你的学位当然是工程管理为主,金融学为辅! 哥们儿是过来人,所以这些都是我的经历过的!你就当拓展下自己的视野吧,多学些可能暂时...对应英文:Industry with two degree one or two years or not little difference. Your degree course in engineering management, finance subsidiary! Dude is over, so these are experienced my! You when our vision of development, learn some may temporarily...

平均分不错,最好能提高,至少保持住。 + + 就能申请到 排名左右的。当然除了成绩这个硬件 软件也很重要 就是 课外活动 实习经验什么的~~当然了 这都是...对应英文:The average good, best can improve, at least keep. You can apply to the rank of. Of course, in addition to score the hardware and software is also very important that extracurricular activities practice experience what ~ ~ of course this is...

我是海事大学轮机工程级大三的学生 如果是海上专业的话 超出重本线分左右就行 其他专业的话 比如好一点儿的海商法 超出五六十分吧 听说后面几届录取分数又高了一...对应英文:I was a marine engineering class three of the students maritime university if maritime professional words beyond this line around for other professional words such as maritime law better than five or six is now heard behind several session admission and high...

食品在美国是最有发展市场的。你现在就应该着手准备考雅思了。不是非得去顶尖级院校的话,平均分稍微低点也没事儿。你现在好好学,争取把平均分再提高点。今年暑假就该...对应英文:Food is the most development market in America. You should begin to prepare for the IELTS test now. Not have to go to the top colleges and universities, the average is slightly low or nothing. You work now, for the average increase point. This summer on...

分为大三上下学期两部分,每批支教时间一个学期即半年。每年两批。基本是大三去。主要是聊大的师范类专业。分去聊城的所属县区。主要是东昌府区,阳谷,莘县,临清等。...对应英文:Divided into three semester two parts, each batch of teaching time is half a semester. Every year the two batch. Basic is the big three to. Is mainly normal chat professional. Belongs to Liaocheng County branch. Mainly in Dongchangfu District, Yanggu, Shenxian, Linqing etc.. ...

分数线就是高分子系的分数线,到时候自己再根据想做什么方向联系导师,去年的分儿好像是,今年的还没下来。至于找工作,因为重点高校里做的生物材料大多都比较基础,...对应英文:Department of polymer is fractional line fractional line, then you want to do what direction according to contact the instructor, son last year, this year seems to be, not down. As for the job, because the biological materials do key universities are basis of comparison,...

哥不是学英语的 大一就过六级了 还分呢 呵呵 调侃一下楼上的那个哥们儿 想去外企的话高级肯定是最好要有的了 还有就是一定要多练习口语,因为外企的面试很可能...对应英文:Brother not to learn English as a freshman six levels also points Oh to tease the man upstairs to the foreign words to some of the senior is definitely the best there is certain to practice spoken English, because the interview is likely...


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