

货卖一张嘴对应英文:Goods sell a mouth

"人凭一张嘴,货卖一张皮"意思是商品必须讲究包装,做生意必须重视宣传对应英文:"People with a mouth, a leather goods sold" means goods must pay attention to packaging, do business must pay attention to publicity

意思是商品必须讲究包装,做生意必须重视宣传。 "人凭一张嘴,货卖一张皮"这个千年古语可能有些极端,但是,其中的道理我们必须深刻领悟。如果产品的卖相不好,从包装上看...对应英文:Mean commodity must pay attention to packaging, do business must pay attention to publicity. "People with a mouth, a leather goods sold" the Millennium ancient may seem extreme, but, the truth we must understand. If the product's appearance is not good, from the packaging point of view...

意思是商品必须讲究包装,做生意必须重视宣传。也就是说为人处世要能说会道才能好办事 货物的外表如果好看了就可以卖个好价钱,强调第一印象的重要。对应英文:Mean commodity must pay attention to packaging, do business must pay attention to publicity. That is to say people should have a glib to handle affairs the cargo. If the good you can sell a good price, emphasize an important first impression.

做人要有脸面对应英文:A man must have face

就是说自己善于推销自己,说得头头是道,别人就看重你,货物的品相好,外观包装好就不愁销路不好。此谚语带有片面性,容易被骗子利用。对应英文:It is said that he is good at selling yourself, speak closely reasoned and well argued, others will value you, goods sells goods, the appearance of the packaging is good not anxious not selling. This proverb is one-sided, easily used by cheater.

就是说为人处世要能说会道才能好办事货物的外表如果好看了就可以卖个好价钱,强调第一印象的重要。意思是商品必须讲究包装,做生意必须重视宣传。对应英文:Is said to have a glib man to work the cargo. If the good you can sell a good price, emphasize an important first impression. Mean commodity must pay attention to packaging, do business must pay attention to publicity.

俗语,表意为外地来的和尚比本地和尚念经念的好。   现多指做事或处世不相信身边熟悉的人,而盲目地信奉外人的话。对应英文:The proverb, meaning for the field to monk than local monks chanting read good. Now many means to do or not to believe in the side with the people, and blindly believe in others.

首先看到的是夸张的修辞手法,能把死人说活,证明这嘴皮子功夫是极其厉害,让人一看就知道突出的重点是什么,就是说口才极其了得。然后运用比喻,用"死人说活"来比喻"破货...对应英文:First of all to see is rhetorical exaggeration, can bring the dead live, prove this Kung Fu is very good, let a person see know what was to highlight the key, that is extremely good eloquence. Then the use of metaphor, "the people that live" to describe the "loose woman...

去汽配城挑挑对应英文:Choose to Auto Parts City

有货倒不出 肚子里有数对应英文:The goods do not have a belly


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