

挟天子以令诸侯对应英文:Were to the emperor

不过那是当时他的反对派的说法。 他自己的说法是"迎天子而治天下",不是"令诸侯"。但这事他确实干了。至于他真正的意图是什么,大概只有他自己知道了。对应英文:But it was his opposition claims. He said was "towards the emperor and rule the world", not "feudal order". But this he did. As for what is his real intention, only he knows.

最早不是曹操先发明的,齐桓公和晋文公都挟天子以令诸侯过(周天子好像很惨,一天到晚被人挟来挟去)。但今天说的是三国历史的那一段。汉献帝先是被董卓劫到了长安(年...对应英文:Is not the earliest Cao Cao first invention, Duke Huan of Qi and Jin are in order to make the feudal emperor (the emperor week seems too miserable, always be carrying to sediment to). But today say is that a period of the history of the three kingdoms. Han Xiandi first by Dong Zhuojie to Changan (years...

曹操就是看中了这点软禁了汉献帝,然后以汉献帝的名义发圣旨号令各路诸侯,如果诸侯敢公然反抗就是篡汉了,那就名不正言不顺,所以曹操挟天子以令诸侯再诸侯割据中占了先...对应英文:Cao Cao is the use value of this arrest Han Xiandi, then in the name of Han Xiandi hair imperial orders each vassal princes, if dare to defy is usurped, then undeserving Cao Cao, so in order to make the feudal emperor to relive accounted for the first...

而且把这个皇帝客客气气地供奉起来,利用皇帝这张牌来号令天下、号召诸侯,这个就是我们通常所说的"挟天子以令诸侯"。其实这个说法是可以讨论的,曹操本人和曹操集团的人...对应英文:But the emperor graciously by emperor worship together, this card to order the world, called the princes, this is what we usually call "with the emperor as feudal order". In fact, this argument can be discussed, Cao Cao and Cao Cao group of people...

天子是汉献帝作用就是获得政治上的优势对应英文:The emperor is the Han Xiandi role is to get those political advantage

同"挟天子以令诸侯"。 挟势弄权 拼 音 ā ì ò á 释 义 倚仗势力,玩弄权术。 挟天子以令天下 拼 音 é ā ǐ ǐ ì ā à 释 义 挟制着皇帝,...对应英文:The same "with the emperor as feudal order". Xieshinongquan spelling sound ā ì ò á release righteousness on forces, philander. With the emperor as the world spell sound é ā ì Ji ā à ì Ji ì explanation by the emperor,...

然操遂能克绍,以 弱为强者,非惟天时, 抑亦人谋也。今操已拥 百万之众,挟天子以令 诸侯,此诚不可与争 锋。孙权据有江东,已 历三世,国险而民附,贤能为之用,此可以为 援...对应英文:However, exercise and can g Shaoxing, the weak strong, not only days, maybe people seek it. This parade has over a million people, with the emperor as feudal order, this is not sincere and war front. Sun Quan has the Jiangdong, has had a history of III, country risk and the people attached, and this can be used for, for assistance...

挟天子以令诸侯不是成语相对的还有一句是奉天子以命不臣对应英文:In order to make the feudal emperor not idioms relative and one from emperor to life is not his

刘备在再一次被吕布击败后,跑到曹操那里求救。这时的曹操已经迎天子于许都,可以挟天子以令诸侯,控制了东汉中央政权,代表了东汉王朝,代表了国家对应英文:Liu Bei was once again defeated by Lv Bu, went to Cao Cao there. When the emperor to Cao Cao has come many, can with the emperor as feudal order, control of the central government, on behalf of the Eastern Han Dynasty, on behalf of the state

后被世人说成挟天子以令诸侯。 真正的应该是他们 赵高(秦),董卓(三国)"败",袁术(三国)"败",严嵩(明),慈禧(清)。 曹操背景资料去优酷视频看看易中天品三国,他才是还...对应英文:After the men said to the emperor as feudal order. The true is that they should Zhao Gao (Qin), Dong Zhuo (third) "lost", "lost" Yuan Shu (three), Yan Song (Ming), Ci Xi (clear). Cao Cao background information to youtube videos have a look Yi Zhongtian Three Kingdoms, he is also...

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