

人间难得一知己对应英文:The world a rare friend

滚滚尘世,人生难得一知己,倘若知己又红颜,人间处处是春天!!!对应英文:On earth, life precious friend, if the friend and Confidante, everywhere is spring!!!

知误会前番书语。过眼滔滔云共雾,算人间知己吾与汝。人有病,天知否  在毛泽东传世的几十首诗词之中,为...多少安慰,全包含在这一声"知己"里。"人有病,天  知否"意思...对应英文:Know mistake last time book language. A total of surging clouds fog, count the human confidant I and thou. People have the disease, days know in Mao Zedong handed down dozens of poems, as... How much comfort, all included in this a "friend". "People have the disease, days know"...

知误会前番书语。过眼滔滔云共雾,算人间知己吾与汝。人有病,天知否 过眼滔滔云共雾,是毛泽东诗中的生活难...算人间知己吾和汝,意思打概是算尽身边有多少知己,只有我和你...对应英文:Know mistake last time book language. A total of surging clouds fog, count the human confidant I and thou. People have the disease, days know over the eye rolling clouds, fog is common, Mao Zedong poetry life difficult... To count the human confidant Wu and Ru, it was done with the number of friends, just me and you...

是吗我觉得我做到了呢对应英文:I think I did

人间有知己 (电影《李知凡太太》主题曲) 作词戴宗安 作曲/演唱蒋大为 今别离 别离情依依 相对无言泪如雨 真情在心里 送君千里 千里终别离 山高路远心相随 真情永不...对应英文:Human friends (film "Mrs. Li Zhifan" theme song composer / Lyricist Dai Zongan) singing Jiang Dawei this parting parting love sit facing each other in silence and tears the truth in the heart to send you a thousand miles miles final parting hearts never far mountain road...

知误会前翻书语。     过眼滔滔云共雾,算人间知己吾与汝。     人有病,天知否     今朝霜重东门路,     照横塘半天残月,凄清如许。   ...对应英文:Before the book language knowledge. A total of surging clouds fog, count the human confidant I and thou. People have the disease, if present day frost heavy East Road, by our half moon, and so. ...

男女间有真正的友谊.我就有一个哥哥和一个弟弟~对应英文:A real friendship between men and women. I have a brother and a younger brother

我想你,而且你也想我,这人间只有你与我是知己对应英文:I think of you, but you also want to me, this world only you and I are friends

是的,知己就好比是自己另一个港湾。对应英文:Yes, my friend is another bay.

但是看的出来你好像不是很乐观,又或者是遭遇了什么事 ,人都有这样的时候,就是觉得对一切的失望了,觉得什么都不行,谁也靠不住。但是,其实,人就是这样的,都回偶尔有私心...对应英文:But I can tell you it seems not very optimistic, or what had happened, people are like that, just think of all the disappointed, think what all can't, who also unreliable. But, in fact, is one such person, have occasionally have selfish motives...


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