

无毒不丈夫对应英文:Ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man
无毒不丈夫,拼为wú dú bù zhàng fū,指要成就大事业必须手段毒辣,技高一筹。出自元•王实甫《西厢记》第五本第四折。原句:量小非君子,无度不丈夫。 —————— 民间谚语联对   量小非君子,无毒不丈夫,这句话绝对是中国众多以讹传讹的话中最搞笑的一个例子之一,就算是刚完成九年义务教育的初中生,也能轻易看出这其中的不妥之处,首先,这无毒不丈夫,就跟我们认识的古人崇尚的价值观念大大背离了,

无毒不丈夫 发 音 ú ú ù à ū 释 义 要成就大事业必须手段毒辣,技高一筹。 出 处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第五本第四折"你不辩贤愚,无毒不丈夫。" 示 例 那侄少爷...对应英文:Non-toxic non husband sounds ú ú ù à ū release righteousness to high achievers have sinister means, Ta Ichi. The yuan Wang Shifu "the West Chamber" the fifth fourth fold "you don't argue Xianyu, non-toxic non husband. "The example that niece...

无毒不丈夫 汉语拼音 ú ú ù à ū 成语释义 要成就大事业必须手段毒辣,技高一筹。 成语出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第五本第四折"你不辩贤愚,无毒不丈夫。" 辨析...对应英文:Not poisonous husband not Pinyin ú ú ù à ū idiom interpretation to high achievers have sinister means, Ta Ichi. Idioms source element Wang Shifu "the West Chamber" the fifth fourth fold "you don't argue Xianyu, non-toxic non husband. An analysis of the "...

无毒不丈夫。"这句谚语本来是"量小非君子,无度不丈夫",也是运用了对仗。可惜"度"为仄声字,犯了孤平,念着别扭,很容易读为平声字"毒",对音律美感要求甚高的古人便把这句...对应英文:Ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man. "This proverb is" small amount of the gentleman, not excessive husband ", is the use of antithesis. But the "degree" as the character word, made a solitary flat, read the awkward, very easy to read as Ping Sheng word "poison", very high on the musical aesthetic requirements of the ancients put this sentence...

犯了孤平,念着别扭,很容易读为平声字"毒",对音律美感要求甚高的古人便把这句改为"无毒不丈夫"对应英文:Made a solitary flat, read the awkward, very easy to read as Ping Sheng word "poison", very high on the musical aesthetic requirements of the ancients put this sentence into "non-toxic non husband"

"无毒不丈夫"是由"量小非君子,无度不丈夫"讹变而成。度,度量。仁赫《俗语典故精选》认为"无度不丈夫"的"度"和"量小非君子"中的"量"合起来恰成"度量"一词,与另一俗语所...对应英文:"Non-toxic" husband "is a small amount of the gentleman, not excessive husband" and variants. Degree, measure. "Select" Renhe saying allusions that "excessive not husband" and "degree" and "small amount of the gentleman" in the "quantity" just combined into a "measure", and another saying...

终于明白何为"无毒不丈夫" 以前看电视或者电影的时候,剧中男人角色在做一个比较狠的决定前总是说"无毒不丈夫"!下面就如何如何的去做坏事了。。。当时挺纳闷的,为什么...对应英文:Finally understand what is "non-toxic non husband" watch TV or film before, the role of the man doing a hard decision always say "no no husband"! Here is how to do bad things... At that time very puzzled, why...

无毒不丈夫",虽然"度"与"毒"谐音,读起来顺口,但二者的含义却背道而驰。"无度不丈夫"是教人要有气度或者做人的底限(要有"度"...对应英文:Non-toxic non husband ", although" degree "and" toxic "homophonic, read fluently, but the two meanings are draw further apart. "Excessive not husband" is to teach people to tolerance or a floor (to a "degree"...

"量小非君子,无毒不丈夫"是现代汉语中家喻户晓、尽人皆知的一句俗语,可这句俗语亦非其原来面目。溯其本源,许多人都认为"量小非君子,无毒不丈夫"这句俗语是由"量小非君...对应英文:"A small amount of non gentlemen, non-toxic non husband" in modern Chinese, be known to all of the make known to every family a proverb, the saying is not the original face. Trace back to the origin, many people think that "a small amount of non gentlemen, non-toxic non husband" this saying is "a small amount of non gentleman...

这里"夫"读一声。丈夫是指成年男子。对应英文:Here "husband" read a sound. Her husband is a man.

经过渊源流传就变成了 量小非君子,无毒不丈夫   意思就是 目标欲望/野心小的不是真君子,妇人之仁的难当大丈夫之名对应英文:After origin spread becomes a small amount of the gentleman, non-toxic non husband means the goal is ambitious desire / small is not a true gentleman, woman's soft nature so her name

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