

海自细流来对应英文:The sea since the trickle

海不辞水,故能成其大山不辞土石,故能成其高 --海不拒绝点滴的水,因而能使自己这样浩瀚山不拒绝一土一石,因而能使自己之样崇高。辞拒绝。 〔出处〕《管子·形势解》...对应英文:The sea not demit water, so it can become the mountain not demit stone, so it can become high - sea not to drip water, thus make this vast mountain not refuse soil stone, which enable their majestic. Speech refused. [source] "pipe · situation solution"...

就是对人才宽容,不认为别人小就嫌弃,才能有作为对应英文:The talent is tolerance, not think others small mind, can be used as

正是因为不拒绝渺小的土壤,堆砌而成才能形成如今的成就。江河之所以有这样的深度,正是因为不拒绝细微的溪流,汇流而成才能形成如今的规模对应英文:It is because they do not reject the tiny soil, piled up to form today's achievement. The rivers are so deep, it is because does not reject the small streams, confluence to form today's scale

"海不择细流,故能成其大山不拒细壤,方能就其高." 实际上这句话是后来有人把李斯的话来了一番调整,并不是古人的原话. ●原文出自李斯的《谏逐客书》"是以泰山不让土壤...对应英文:"The sea is not the small streams, so it becomes the mountain will not resist fine soil, on the high side." in fact, this sentence was later someone to put Li Si's words to a reorientation, and not the words. The text from Li Si's "remonstrance by guest book" "is not made in Taishan soil...


海不择细流,故能成其大山不拒细壤,方能就其高." 实际上这句话是后来有人把李斯的话来了一番调整,并不是古人的原话. ●原文出自李斯的《谏逐客书》"是以泰山不让土壤...对应英文:The sea is not the small streams, so it becomes the mountain will not resist fine soil, on the high side. "In fact, this sentence was later someone to put Li Si's words to a reorientation, and not the words. The text from Li Si's" remonstrance by guest book "" is not let the soil in Taishan...

荀子 "海不择细流,故能成其大山不拒细壤,方能就其高。"对应英文:Xunzi "the sea is not the small streams, so it becomes the mountain will not resist fine soil, on the high side. "

"海不辞水成其大,山不辞土成其高",这句话语出《管子·形势解》,原句是"海不辞水,故能成其大山不辞土石,故能成其高明主不厌人,故能成其众士不厌学,故能成其圣"对应英文:"The sea not demit water into the soil, mountain not refuse into its high", this word a "pipe · situation solution", the original sentence is "the sea not demit water, so it can become the mountain not demit stone, so it becomes a main object, so it can become the person not weary, so it can become st."

河海不择细流,故能就其深王者不却众庶,故能明其德。译文秦山不拒绝任何土壤的堆积,所以能够成就它的大河海不挑剔任何细小流水的汇入,所以能够成就它的深统一天下...对应英文:River is not the small streams, so it can be so deep king is not common people, so can be. The accumulation of Qinshan refused any soil, so it can join the river not picky any little water, so it can achieve deep unified the world...

覆盖地球表面%的都是海水,怎么会被冲淡呢 而且海水是不断蒸发的,海水中的盐分不会被蒸发掉,盐分会越积越多。对应英文:Cover the surface of the earth% are water, how will dilute it and seawater is continuous evaporation of salt, not in sea water is evaporated, salt can accumulate more more.


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