

老鼠生来会打洞对应英文:The rats will be born with holes

遗传基因。对应英文:Genetic genes.

这说的是一种原始本能,也非遗传这么简单。尤其是后面的老鼠生来会打洞,就是一种自然界的本能!对应英文:This is a primitive instinct, also non genetic so simple. Especially in the back of the mouse''son can make hole, is a natural instinct!

, . 这是一句谚语.对应英文:,. This is a proverb

凤生凤,老鼠儿子会打洞"--生物的遗传 这是生物的遗传,是生物界普遍存在的现象。产生的原因是生物在生殖过程中,亲代把自己的遗传物质()准确地复制出二份传给...对应英文:Chicken born chicken, mouse son can make hole "genetic -- biological this is genetic, is a common biological phenomenon. The reason is in the process of reproduction, parental to their own genetic material () accurately reproduced by two to...

细胞核对应英文:The nucleus

"龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠儿子会打洞"--生物的遗传  这是生物的遗传,是生物界普遍存在的现象。产生的原因是生物在生殖过程中,亲代把自己的遗传物质()准确地复制出二份...对应英文:"Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse son can make hole in the genetic" -- this is the biological genetic, is a common biological phenomenon. The reason is in the process of reproduction, parental to their own genetic material (two) accurately reproduce...

王侯将相宁有种乎对应英文:Military and political leaders of Ning will

当然不是,现在的社会没有什么是一定的,现在的那些成功人士有多少是靠祖上遗留的东西起来的往上走一代两代,不都是贫农!好了,现在这些"鼠"的后人变成"龙"了,可谁又能说...对应英文:Of course not, not now society what is certain, those successful people now how much is by ancestors left things up to take a generation or two generation, are not poor! Well, now the "rat" later became "dragon", but who is to say...

细胞核 真核对应英文:The nucleus of eukaryotic

王侯将相宁有种乎 陈胜吧对应英文:Military and political leaders of Ning will Chen Shengba


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