

一美遮百丑对应英文:A beautiful cover 100 ugly

一美遮百丑这里的美,主要指的是心灵美。所以,整个词的意思是说只要这个人心里美,那么她其他丑的方面,就可以不去计较了,也就并不重要了!对应英文:A beautiful cover 100 ugly beauty here, mainly refers to the beauty of the mind. So, the meaning of a word is said as long as the person mind, so she other ugly, can't care, it's not important!

三好不一定什么都好啊!要知道每个人都是有潜力的。不是外貌美则一切都美。美只是人外在的,真正的心里美才是重要的。三好学生不一定就是万能的完美啊,也许在其他方面他...对应英文:"Three Goods" is not necessarily what are good! You know everyone is a potential. Not all the appearance of the United states. Beauty is only one external, real us is important. "Three good" student is not necessarily everything perfect, perhaps in other aspects of his...

好像都不是对应英文:It is not

好象是宋朝,不太肯定,宋朝历史我肯定没好好读,嘻嘻。这肯定的嘛,你白皙,一出门,被阳光一射,好家伙,那个漂亮,你要是一黑,一出门,再被阳光一射,好家伙,整个一土著娃,谁还...对应英文:Like the song, not sure, the Song Dynasty history I definitely didn't read, hee hee. This certainly well, your white by the sun, go out, one shot, man, the beautiful, if you are a black, one out, then the sun shot, Goodfellas, the native boy, who also...

肤色白让别人有种很细致洁净的感觉。所以是有遮的功效...不过当然不会很绝对了。...- - 不过话说回来,人和人相处时,外表只会对第一印象起很大作用,接下来就大部分靠个...对应英文:Skin white and let others have a very thorough clean feeling. So there is a cover efficacy... But of course is not absolute. ... - but then again, people and people, the appearance only will have a great effect on first impression, then most rely on a...

一个肥处就可以遮盖其他的许多缺憾(唐朝以肥为美,可能与此有关,"肥"也可做优点解),四两的力气就可以拨动千斤。 这句话的主旨应该是关键部分的优势可以影响到全局。对应英文:A fertilizer can cover many shortcomings of other (Tang Dynasty to fat for the United States, may be relevant, "fertilizer" can also advantages solution), four two to a thousand catties. Purpose of this sentence should be the key part of the advantage can affect the global.

所谓的"一俊遮百丑"就是这种晕轮效应的反应。对应英文:The so-called "a pretty cover 100 ugly" is the halo effect reaction.

股市的定位是错误的,政府还无意纠正。 从红利税减半可以看出,政府对错误没有从根本上承认、改正的决心。 解决股权分置的目的还是为了能够顺利圈钱。 政府不能真正从人...对应英文:Market positioning is wrong, the government is not correct. Halved from the bonus tax can be seen, the government did not admit, fundamentally correct determination of error. To solve the stock right splitting or for the purpose of smooth running. The government can not really from the people...

高和白都不是最重要的 重要的是整个人给人的感觉。对应英文:High and white is not the most important is to give people the feeling of the people.

白能增加魅力 未必真能遮所以的丑 美是从内心散发出来的 相由心生对应英文:White can increase the charm not really covered so ugly beauty is circulated from the heart out of phase from the heart


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