

出头椽子先烂对应英文:Its rafter first rotten
  出头的椽子先烂   拼音:    解释: 1.见"出头椽儿先朽烂"。  




事物在人脑中的反映,人脑是产生意识的物质载体,意识的内容源于客观事物。意识具有能动作用表明,首先意识能够正确地反映客观事物意识能够反作用于客观事物。物质的决...对应英文:Things are reflected in the brain, the brain is the material carrier of consciousness, awareness of the content source to the objective things. With the dynamic role of awareness that, first of all consciousness can correctly reflect the objective things consciousness can be counter productive to the objective things. Matter must...

就是枪打出头鸟的意思。教育人们凡事不能逞强,不能先出头。对应英文:Is a gun fight bird. Education people never try to be brave, not to head.

出头椽子先烂--椽子露在房檐之外经不起风吹雨打枪打出头鸟--群鸟最先飞起的最有可能被子弹击中难得糊涂--遇事不要太较真,八大山人的境界。对应英文:Its rafter first rotten rafters in the eaves outside dew -- by wind and rain hit the head not shooting birds: birds fly is most likely to be the first shot, don't too seriously, Badashanren realm.

出头的椽子先烂 --튀어나온 서까래&#...对应英文:Stand up to the rafters rotten --

楼主的意思是别人嫉妒你吗如果好好相处,不可能会合伙和你过不去的,肯定有原因,最好反思一下,如果自己找不到原因,可以让好朋友帮你分析一下,如果确属无故遭嫉,以平和...对应英文:You mean other people envy you if you get along, unlikely partnership and you can not pass, must have a reason, the best reflect, if they can not find the reason, can make good friends to help you analyze, if it is unreasonably jealous, in a calm and...

随着社会的进步,土木结构的房子越来越少,对于什么是椽子,很多人已经不知道了。我回忆在刚毕业那年参加农村...璃或者汉白玉之类不容易烂的装饰以保护椽子头。假如用这句谚...对应英文:With the progress of society, the civil structure of the house is less and less, what is the rafters, many people have not know. I just graduated that year in rural... Glass or marble, not easy to rotten decoration to protect the rafter head. If you use this proverb...

房子上的椽子只要露出头,就容易遭到风雨的侵蚀,因此先烂掉也就不可避免。 也许是受了杜甫有名诗句"射人先...哪个聪明人就演绎出一个推论"出头的椽子先烂"。毋庸讳言,...对应英文:The house on the rafters as long as the head, it is easily subjected to wind and rain erosion, so it is inevitable to rot.. Perhaps is Du Fu famous poem "shoot first... What wise men can deduce the rafters a corollary" head first ". No need for reticence.

淹死的都是会水的。 先下手为强,后下手遭殃对应英文:All will be drowned in water. First, after the start

我来告诉你椽子就是屋面挑檐作法中的木杆。当然,在现代建筑中已经普遍使用混凝土(现浇或预制挑檐板),但在... 有句话叫出头的椽子先烂,是指若是哪一根椽子长于其他椽子...对应英文:I'll tell you the roof eaves rafters is the approach of wood. Of course, has been widely used in modern architecture (concrete cast or prefabricated cornice board), but in the... Having them saying something first rotten, refers to if a rafter longer than other rafters...

就是劝人不要强出头,多管闲事.还有不要多说闲话,搬弄是非!~不是有句俗话说的么,"出头的椽子先烂"说的就是这个道理!~对应英文:Is advising people not strong head, nosy. There are not much gossip, stir up enmity! ~ not a saying goes, "s rafter first rotten" say is this truth! ~

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