

烫手的山芋对应英文:Hot potato

中东问题对世界所有的政治家来说都是个烫手的山芋。对应英文:The Middle East issue is a hot potato for all the world's politicians.

"两年期公债已成为烫手的山芋,特别是在周二的标售前,"摩根士丹利首席公债策略师George Goncalves表示.对应英文:"The two-year bonds have become a hot potato, especially in Tuesday's auction," Morgan Stanley chief bond strategist George Goncalves said

但是,我们要承认事实:美国也是要换本付息的,还不起甚至是要再接新债的;中国的产品至今仍充斥着美国的商店,贸易逆差仍是中美关系中一块儿烫手的山芋;中国是世界上最大的出口国,德国紧随其后,美国第三,比中国落后2000亿美元;中国的制造业外包在美国非常吃香,商店里的商品很少能看到“美国制造”,有关专家认为,此项工业带来的工作机会是永远不会回到美国的。对应英文:However, we must admit the fact: USA is to change the interest, also can not afford even to take on new debt; China products is still full of USA shop, hot potato. The trade deficit is still in Sino American relations; China is the largest exporter in the world, followed by Germany, America third backward, $200000000000 more than China; China manufacturing outsourcing is very popular in American, shops can seldom see "American manufacturing", concerned expert thinks, this industry has brought opportunities are never to return to the America.

"两年期公债已成为烫手的山芋,特别是在周二的标售前,"摩根士丹利首席公债策略师George Goncalves表示.对应英文:"The two-year bonds have become a hot potato, especially in Tuesday's auction," Morgan Stanley chief bond strategist George Goncalves said

但是,我们要承认事实:美国也是要换本付息的,还不起甚至是要再接新债的;中国的产品至今仍充斥着美国的商店,贸易逆差仍是中美关系中一块儿烫手的山芋;中国是世界上最大的出口国,德国紧随其后,美国第三,比中国落后2000亿美元;中国的制造业外包在美国非常吃香,商店里的商品很少能看到“美国制造”,有关专家认为,此项工业带来的工作机会是永远不会回到美国的。对应英文:However, we must admit the fact: USA is to change the interest, also can not afford even to take on new debt; China products is still full of USA shop, hot potato. The trade deficit is still in Sino American relations; China is the largest exporter in the world, followed by Germany, America third backward, $200000000000 more than China; China manufacturing outsourcing is very popular in American, shops can seldom see "American manufacturing", concerned expert thinks, this industry has brought opportunities are never to return to the America.

但最后他已毋须思忖行使否决权了,因为后来巴克莱觉得雷曼是个烫手的山芋,不想接手了。对应英文:But in the end he did not need to contemplate exercising a veto, because Barclays saw Lehman is a hot potato, did not want to take over the.

雷耶斯现在觉得自己成了烫手的山芋。对应英文:Reyes now finds himself became a hot potato.

今天,华盛顿的政策制定者纠结的问题到底:是放任也门陷入混乱好呢,还是让流亡美国的萨利赫的反对者执掌也门好,无论如何决择也门都是块烫手的山芋。对应英文:Today, Washington policy makers tangled problem is: is to let Yemen into chaos, or let the exile America the opponents of Saleh in Yemen, Yemen in any case choice is a hot potato.

美国财政部早就明确表示,不会用纳税人的钱接这个烫手的山芋。对应英文:America Treasury had made clear, not the use of taxpayer money to take the hot potato.

这再一次让我们确认了日本官场传统上,将烫手的山芋转给其他部门的作风问题。对应英文:This once again we confirm that the Japanese bureaucratic tradition, style will be a hot potato to other departments.

色情行业已成政府手中的烫手山芋,特别是在互联网时代到来之后,尤其如此。对应英文:Porn industry has become the hands of the hot potato, especially after the advent of the Internet age, especially.

据说银行主席Win Bischoff爵士的位子也在讨论中;Pandit先生看来倒是安全得很,唯一的原因是没人想接他的烫手山芋。对应英文:The bank president Win Bischoff said the Jazz seat is also under discussion; Mr Pandit seems to be safe enough, if only because no one wants his hot potato.

美国就业问题已经成了民主党的烫手山芋,而此时他们正努力要在11月的中期选举中,维持在参议院和众议院的多数席位.对应英文:USA employment problem has already become the Democratic hot potato, and now they are trying to be in the November mid-term elections, maintained in the majority in the Senate and seats in the house of Representatives

自打萨达姆侯赛因被搞定之后,伊朗的MEK(Mujahedeen-e Khalge的缩写,即人民圣战者组织)就成了美国手里的烫手山芋。对应英文:Since Saddam Hussein was done in Iran, MEK (Mujahedeen-e Khalge abbreviation, namely the people's mujahedin) became a hot potato American hand.

在克林顿的政治法则中有这么一条:“如果你接过了某个人的烫手山芋,那么他下一次还会扔给你。”下面这事就是一个例子。对应英文:In Clinton's political rule in such a: "if you took a hot potato, then he will be the next throw you." This was an example.

印度正在努力摆脱烫手山芋的形象,它曾一次次拒绝接受任何减排的要求。对应英文:India is trying to get rid of the image of a hot potato, it once again refused to accept any emission reduction requirements.

有的起自财政部门手捧巨额资金的“烫手山芋”,得找条大家都服气的分钱正路;对应英文:Some come from the financial sector with a huge amount of money "hot potato", must find a way that everyone convinced the money is;

当不可避免的崩溃来临之时,捧着这些烫手山芋的机构大多要靠政府援助提供的新的资本才能生存下去。对应英文:When the inevitable collapse came, holding the hot potato institutions mostly rely on government assistance to provide new capital in order to survive.

数字口译一直是现场口译员的“烫手山芋”,已经成为严重制约现场口译质量的“瓶颈”。对应英文:Digital interpretation has been the scene of the interpreter "hot potato", has become the bottleneck that restricts the quality interpretation "".

农场被支解,以晦涩难懂的规则做条件,和零售业一样成为政治上的一块烫手山芋。对应英文:The farm was dismembered, to obscure rules and conditions, the retail industry as a political potato.


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