

亲戚远来香对应英文:Far folk flavor

原句是"亲戚远来香,邻居高打墙."已经是句俗语了,佚名.对应英文:The original sentence is "distant relatives, neighbors to sweet, high hit a wall." is a proverb, anonymous

越是住得距离较远的亲戚,互相之间关系处的越不错.而一墙之隔的邻居,往往筑起高墙把关系割断,这说明相处越多越容易产生隔阂.对应英文:The more live more distant relatives, the relationship between each other is more good. And the wall of the neighbors, often built walls to cut off the relationship, along with more and more easy to produce estrangement

俗话说亲戚远来香,街坊高打墙。就是说,亲戚来往不要太频繁了,以免滋生是非。  哥哥发飙的原因是"他结婚那天我们夫妻吵离婚,他记在心里,我搞的他结婚都没面子"所以...对应英文:As the saying goes far folk flavor, neighborhood high hit the wall. That is to say, relatives don't too often, to prevent the breeding of non. The reason is the brother's "him that we couple noisy divorce to marry, he in my mind, I got married him no face" and so...

人际关系都是需要经营的,朋友,亲戚都这样, 不过也有好人,我们家就有稀客这种说法,对应英文:Interpersonal relationships are needed to operate, friends, relatives, but also has the good, we have here for this statement,

当然是来往频繁会比较亲一点,但是矛盾也会多一点。对应英文:Of course, is from the frequent is dear a contradiction, but will be more.

怎么说呢,要想让大家再一团和气的亲如一家,显然不是件容易的事儿! 在我看来,老辈的恩仇作为小辈没必要继承下去,我们小辈之间要正常交往,该是兄弟就是兄弟,该帮忙的时...对应英文:How to say, want to let everybody again clusters and one, obviously is not easy! In my opinion, the elders of the enqiu as Junior is not necessary to continue, we will to the normal exchanges, the brothers are brothers, the help of...

都说亲戚远来香,工作的时候一定会遇到磨擦,双方都会觉得尴尬,因为面子有些福利的事情也不好开口要求,有能力在哪都能找到工作,如果你觉得工作不好找,那么也不妨先干着...对应英文:That distant relatives to sweet, when the work will have friction, both sides will feel embarrassed, because face some welfare thing is not good to ask, has the ability to where they can find a job, if you think it is not easy to find a job, so might as well do a...

远方的亲戚因为离得较远,来往不频繁,所以显得特别亲,基本上不会产生什么隔阂和矛盾。而近邻就不同的,地域上比较近,接触频繁,交往密切,就会容易产生鸡毛蒜皮的摩擦。 ...对应英文:Distant relatives because farther away, though not so frequent, particularly dear, basically does not produce what estrangement and conflict. The neighbor was different, geographically close, frequent contacts, exchanges, friction tends to trifles. ...

亲戚远来香,街坊高打墙,这是人们耳熟能详的口头语,长期在亲戚家居住就会有出现磕磕碰碰,有不如意的地方,双方都很难处理,造成矛盾,影响亲戚关系,导致双方不愉快。你就...对应英文:Far folk flavor, neighborhood high hit the wall, this is people for having heard it many times spoken language, in the long-term Home Furnishing relatives live there will be bumps, are unsatisfactory, both sides are difficult to deal with, cause the contradiction, influence the relative relationship, resulting in both unpleasant. You...

另一个就是要让小姑早一天离开你们的家,所谓"亲戚远来香",兄妹都各自成家了,再也不是过去在父母面前的孩子的单纯关系了,所以还是各自在自己的家里过日子的好,节假日,...对应英文:Another is to let the little one day earlier to leave your home, the so-called "distant relatives to sweet", and have their own family, the past is no longer a simple relationship in the parents before the child, so it is still in their own home to live, holidays,...


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