

赖汉娶好妻对应英文:Lai Han marry a good wife

不刻意追求妻子的容貌,故"无好妻" 懒汉游手亦好色,对付女人有一手,常能得到浅薄但漂亮的女人的欢心,故"娶花枝"对应英文:Do not deliberately pursue wife looks, so "no good wife" lazy idle also lewd, deal with a woman with a hand, can often be short but beautiful woman's favor, so "marry squid"

是因为好像看到的美女旁边都是一个秃头男或者啤酒肚男,所以众多自以为帅哥就说了这么一句没什么营养的话,没什么意义的对应英文:Because the side seemed to see beauty is a bald man or a beer belly male, so many think that handsome guy to say not what nutrition of words, not what meaning

慈母多败儿啊,好女人都被宠成了坏妻子,好男人也被宠成了赖丈夫对应英文:The lost son, a good woman is spoiled a bad wife, good man also spoiled became Lai Zhangfu

没有甜言蜜语.那来得好妻.赖汉,什么多不太会.嘴甜.没办法.女人虚伪..谁能满足她 就跟谁对应英文:Don't speak sugared words. It is a good wife. Lai Han, what more can't. Sweet. No way. The woman hypocrisy.. who can meet her with whom

社会问题啊!无奈!但你说的只是一部分人的行为,要看到大多数还是有正确人生观的。追根揭底还是综合素质问题。对应英文:Social problems! Helpless! But you say is a part of human behavior, to see the most is the correct outlook on life. It propose or comprehensive quality problems.

在理。多了去了。还有就是,好女没好夫。对应英文:In science. Many go to. There is not a good husband, good women.

美女挑三检四 最后还是被不三不四的爷们拐了去条件好的男人也一样 总抱有幻想 不料越想越糟糕全看缘分 缘分也不是硬拉的对应英文:Beauty pick seized three four was ultimately indecent man turned to the man with good condition is the same total illusions but grew more and more bad all see the fate fate is not hard pull

觉得漂亮美眉就像是天上的月亮,会尽心尽力的付出全部真心,这样俩男生一对比,女生就会选对自己更好的,女生其实要求没那么多,选对自己好的自己才会幸福,个人意见,仅供参...对应英文:That beautiful girl is like the moon in the sky, will make all-out efforts to pay all my heart, so that both boys, girls will choose better for yourself, girl is not so much, selected for their own good you will be happy, personal opinion, only for reference...

事实上,凡事不能看表面,好汉的妻子不爱张扬,是成功背后的强力后盾,默默奉献。而赖汉常以取得花枝招展的美妻来招摇,终至事事难成。对应英文:In fact, everything can not look at the surface, the hero's wife didn't love publicity, is behind the success of the powerful backing, silently. Lai Han often to get dressed up beautiful wife to swagger, until everything is difficult to.

自己眼高能将美女都送去动物园,仅有一两个好的,见可帮你介绍的人是动物园的饲养员偶尔将参观的给带来了. 还是多去发现异性们的优点找找自己的不足心平才不会气傲...对应英文:His eyes will be sent to the zoo high-energy beauty, only one or two good, see help introduce you to people is the zoo keepers occasionally will visit brought. Or to find the deficiency of heart and advantages of flat of their own sex will not be arrogant...


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