

防患于未然对应英文:Nip in the bud
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监管部门说,该法旨在在食品污染问题上防患于未然,而不是马后炮。对应英文:Regulators said, which was intended to nip in the bud on food contamination problem, rather than the doctor.

如果我们希望防患于未然,避免误解和危机,那么沟通、透明和信任就必不可少。对应英文:If we want to nip in the bud, avoid misunderstanding and crisis, then communication, transparency and trust are essential.

他说:“如果我们希望防患于未然,避免误解和危机,那么沟通、透明和信任就必不可少。”对应英文:He said: "if we want to nip in the bud, avoid misunderstanding and crisis, then communication, transparency and trust are essential."

我们要采取更多措施切断恐怖分子的人员招募渠道,从而防患于未然。对应英文:We should take more measures to cut off the terrorist recruitment channel, so as to nip in the bud.

如果我们希望防患于未然,避免误解和危机,那么沟通、透明和信任就必不可少。对应英文:If we want to nip in the bud, avoid misunderstanding and crisis, then communication, transparency and trust are essential.

他说:“如果我们希望防患于未然,避免误解和危机,那么沟通、透明和信任就必不可少。”对应英文:He said: "if we want to nip in the bud, avoid misunderstanding and crisis, then communication, transparency and trust are essential."

监管部门说,该法旨在在食品污染问题上防患于未然,而不是马后炮。对应英文:Regulators said, which was intended to nip in the bud on food contamination problem, rather than the doctor.

对于穷人来说,疫苗接种是一个生死攸关的问题。 另外,如果你让孩子接种疫苗,防患于未然,这远比事后治疗更符合成本效益。对应英文:For the poor, the vaccination is a matter of life and death.

从下周开始,年轻人就可在网上学习相关课程,了解婚姻生活可能出现的各种问题,做到防患于未然。对应英文:Starting next week, young people can be in online learning courses, understand marriage may appear all sorts of problems, to nip in the bud.

从防患于未然的角度而言,主要原因就是人们仍在为过去的灾害痛心疾首,而不是专注于在全球建立海啸社区。对应英文:From the Angle of nip in the bud, the main reason is that people are still in the disaster saddened for the past, rather than focusing on establishing a tsunami community in the world.

作为一名架构师,现在就应当准备一份云使用指南,防患于未然,在灾难发生前把问题降到最低点。对应英文:As an architect, now you should prepare a guidelines for use of cloud, nip in the bud, in the problem before disaster hit bottom.

我认为,我们对于腐败的遏制与调查采取防患于未然的作法,使我们的确与众不同。对应英文:I think we investigating corruption containment and to nip in the bud, we are different.

我们需要这一机制,这样全球性问题就不会在成为既成事实后才得到解决,而是防患于未然。对应英文:We need this mechanism so that global problems will not be solved only after become a fait accompli, but a nip in the bud.

没有人知道这些实验中的疫苗是否会抵抗住可能造成流感疫情,但是制造商认为防患于未然更好。对应英文:No one knows whether the experimental vaccine will resist can cause flu, but manufacturers think better nip in the bud.

在预测此次金融危机和防患于未然方面,没人比他们更适合。对应英文:In terms of forecast and prevent the financial crisis, no one is more suitable than they.

弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的基本主张是防患于未然。对应英文:Florence Nightingale was basically arguing for prevention rather than cure.

拜登指出,美国将在可能的情况下采取行动,防患于未然。对应英文:Biden said, the United States will be possible to take action, nip in the bud.

内勤局还有一个执法项目,是我们通过防患于未然来遏制腐败的一个环节。对应英文:Iab and a law enforcement program, is our proactive approach to curb corruption.

在取得经济复苏后,鼓励商业银行防患于未然,在经济稳健的时期积累更多的资本储备,可在经济下滑时期发挥缓冲作用。对应英文:After achieve economic recovery, encourage commercial Banks to nip in the bud, in the period of steady accumulate more capital reserves, can play a buffer role in the economic downturn.

防患于未然是关键,否则,各国和平利用外空的权利和外空资产的安全都将受到损害。对应英文:Nip in the bud is the key, otherwise, the right to peaceful use of outer space and outer space assets security will be damaged.

所以,面对美国经济未来可能出现的变化情况,我们应未雨绸缪,及早制订对策,以防患于未然。对应英文:So, in the face of possible changes in the American economy in the future, we should save for a rainy day, as soon as possible to develop countermeasure, to nip in the bud.

这打扰了其他公民,而且危及他们的生命,所以通过一条法律来防患于未然。对应英文:This would disturb other citizens, and endanger their lives, so by a law to nip in the bud.

鉴于当前情形的敏感性和市场对坏消息的极度狂热反应, 任何措施的采取都必须做到防患于未然。对应英文:In view of the sensitivity of the current situation and market mania reaction to bad news, any measures taken must be do nip in the bud.

我们需要一位懂得2001年9/11经验教训的总统,懂得为了保卫美国,我们必须保持攻势,防患于未然,而不是等到攻击发生后再采取行动。对应英文:We need a know 2001 9/11 experience and lessons of the President, to know in order to defend the United States, we must stay on the offensive, nip in the bud, rather than waiting for attacks happen before you take action.

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