

杀人如草不闻声对应英文:Not heard the trample people like mud and ashes

密领军符号令明。 狭巷短兵相接处,杀人如草不闻声。 应为"狭巷"对应英文:Leading Ling Ming symbol. Wynd fight hand to hand with, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes. Should be "wynd"

形容人杀人高手,印迹小,不易被人发现。意思是杀人就像斩草一样听不见声音。对应英文:Describe people kill master, imprinting is small, not easy to be found. It is murder cut grass as not hear.

杀人如草不闻声"。鲁迅远在上海,看到听到的是国民党招兵拉夫,是对红区的进剿和狂轰滥炸。鲁迅没有看到苏区的"红旗飘飘",倒是想象得出人民血流成河的惨象...对应英文:Not heard the trample people like mud and ashes". Lu Xun in Shanghai, seeing and hearing is the Kuomintang recruiting Ralph, is the suppression and bomb savagely on red zone. Lu Xun did not see the "red flag fluttering", but imagine the sight of people shed blood like water...

醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回 黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开 衔枚夜度五千兵,密领军符号令明。狭巷短兵相接处,杀人如草不闻声。对应英文:Hui Wo battlefield Jun Mo laugh, a few people back to the ancient battle pressure chambers to destroy, to a light gold Linkai resting night five thousand soldiers, leading to the symbol. Wynd fight hand to hand with, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes.

爱财如命的格拉齐昂,在丧尽家财,破产后在贫困中挣扎。借用梁先生的一句话"两兵相接短巷中,杀人如草不闻声"。他不直接出面却让别人收到了致命的打击,我不欣赏他,但是不...对应英文:Covetous of granisetron Zions, in all family property, bankruptcy after struggling in poverty. To borrow Mr. Liang sentence "two soldiers with short lane, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes". He does not directly to let others received a fatal blow, I don't admire him, but not...

狭巷短兵相接处,杀人如草不闻声。   《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》   辛弃疾   醉里挑灯看剑,   梦回吹角连营。   八百里分麾下炙,   五十弦翻塞...对应英文:Wynd fight hand to hand with, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes. "Broken time for Xin Qiji Chen Tongfu Fu Zhuang words in order to send" zuilitiaodeng look at the sword, night march with trumpet. In eight hundred under the moxibustion, fifty string double plug...

杀人如草不闻声"。鲁迅远在上海,看到听到的是国民党招兵拉夫,是对红区的进剿和狂轰滥炸。鲁迅没有看到苏区的"红旗飘飘",倒是想像得出人民血流成河的惨象...对应英文:Not heard the trample people like mud and ashes". Lu Xun in Shanghai, seeing and hearing is the Kuomintang recruiting Ralph, is the suppression and bomb savagely on red zone. Lu Xun did not see the "red flag fluttering", but imagine the sight of people shed blood like water...

衔枚夜度五千兵,密领军符号令明。狭巷短兵相接处,杀人如草不闻声。 饮马渡秋水,水寒风似刀. 平沙日未没,黯黯见临洮. 昔日长城战,咸言意气高. 黄城足今古,白骨乱蓬篙...对应英文:The title pieces of night of five thousand soldiers, leading to the symbol. Wynd fight hand to hand with, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes. Yin Du autumn wind, water like a knife. Not the Pingsha, Anan meet in Lintao. The old the Great Wall war, salty words emotional high. Huang Chengzu Jingu, Avicennia disorderly Peng gao...

前者主要暴露中尉杀人者用武力对付进步青年,"杀人如草不闻声"的穷凶极恶的丑恶嘴脸后者则是痛心于国民的麻木不觉悟。 鲁迅其实是不主张请愿的,认为敌人是那样凶暴无...对应英文:The former mainly exposed Lieutenant murderer against progressive young people by force, "trample people like mud and ashes and not heard" behave in a vicious and unrestrained way the ugly face of the latter is sad to people are not. Lu Xun is not in favor of the petition, the enemy was so violent that no...

衔枚夜度五千兵,密领军符号令明。狭巷短兵相接处,杀人如草不闻声。饮马渡秋水,水寒风似刀.平沙日未没,黯黯见临洮.昔日长城战,咸言意气高.黄城足今古,白骨乱蓬篙.君不...对应英文:The title pieces of night of five thousand soldiers, leading to the symbol. Wynd fight hand to hand with, not heard the trample people like mud and ashes. Yin Du autumn wind, water like a knife. Not the Pingsha, Anan meet in Lintao. The old the Great Wall war, salty words emotional high. Huang Chengzu Jingu, Avicennia disorderly Peng Gao Jun not...


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