

当面是人对应英文:Face to face is the person
  当面是人背后是鬼   拼音:    解释: 两面派。    

噢,他是怕跟一个人当面作对的。对应英文:Oh, he is afraid to encounter him face to face.

指的是那些你经常能当面碰到的人——朋友,亲戚,同事,邻居。对应英文:Refers to those you actually see in person -- friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors.

这里歇后语的“挑眼”,在北方人来说是给人家当面难看,就是找人家的小毛病、小错漏,藉此去奚落、嘲笑人家。对应英文:This two-part allegorical sayings "hypercritical", in the north face is ugly to others, is to find people's small problems, small leakage, thereby to scorn, ridicule others.

那个人说,这种消息不应该麻烦他来找Nick当面问,并且提醒Nick记得到底是为谁在做事。对应英文:The man said, this message should not trouble him to find Nick ask, and reminds Nick to remember who he works for.

这里歇后语的“挑眼”,在北方人来说是给人家当面难看,就是找人家的小毛病、小错漏,藉此去奚落、嘲笑人家。对应英文:This two-part allegorical sayings "hypercritical", in the north face is ugly to others, is to find people's small problems, small leakage, thereby to scorn, ridicule others.

事实上,费克图甚至说他从来没有办法忘记他是一名美国人,一名中情局特工,因为关押他的那些人经常当面这样称他,以至于他从未失去他的身份和归属意识。对应英文:In fact, Fecteau said he could never forget he is an American, a CIA agent, because those who held his face so often referred to him, so that he never lost his sense of identity and affiliation.

指的是那些你经常能当面碰到的人——朋友,亲戚,同事,邻居。对应英文:Refers to those you actually see in person -- friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors.

他是那种当面胁肩谄笑。背地里造谣中伤的人。对应英文:He is that kind of to cringe and smile obsequiously. Spread rumours to injure others'reputation people secretly.

如果您有时间,就与那些您要当面讨教意见的人会晤,至少是与他们在电话中交谈。对应英文:If you have time, and those you want to consult the views of the people to meet, at least as they talk on the phone.

她既不当面恭维人家,也不背后说人坏话。从这两点来说她是值得称赞的。对应英文:She neither flatter others, also do not talk behind others. From these two points, she is praiseworthy.


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