

好虎难架一群狼对应英文:Good tiger a pack of wolves

双拳难敌四手 好汉架不住人多对应英文:Shuangquannandi four hands are not live to more people

本来就是个人的比赛对应英文:Is the man of the match

寡不敌众对应英文:Be hopelessly outnumbered

蛇对应英文:The snake

紫色的光速战龙比较好,因为它是美国手指滑板第一的亚历山大的手指滑板。对应英文:Purple light dragon is better, because the finger skateboard American finger skateboard first Alexander is it.


百万富翁┷┷机会是留给有准备的人 ◆ 肖-码 ◆来-电-领取 ③⒐-⑤⒐⒉②-⒐⑧⒎ 徐姐 ◆ 龙-马 ◆龙 √ ◆ 龙-猴 ◆龙 √ ◆ 虎...对应英文:The millionaire opportunities for those who are prepared on the Shaw codes to electricity for the - and the -,,,,, Xu Jie and the Dragon - the dragon horse √ ◆ Dragon - the dragon or the tiger, monkey...

小号的话你就看你的职业特色了,老虎的攻成长和狼的是一样,最高都是,物点就是血成长和速度成长不一样。狼的速度 成长要高是,虎的血成长是,你看一下你的职业特点。...对应英文:You can see small occupation characteristics you, tiger attack growth and wolf is the same, the highest point is, is the blood grow and rate of growth is not the same. The wolf speed growth is high, tiger blood growth is, you look at your occupation. ...

猫对应英文:The cat

进退两难对应英文:Be in a nice hobble


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