

再回头是百年身对应英文:Back 100 years is a body

做出令人懊恼悔恨的事,「一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身。」百年身,就是下一辈子的事了,今生,再也没有希望...诗云 '一失足成千古笑,再回头是百年人。'" 清代魏子安的...对应英文:Make a regret it, "I hate eternal, and then back to have a century. "A hundred years, is a lifetime thing, this life, there is no hope... That 'a man through the ages to laugh, back is a hundred people. '"Wei Zian in the Qing dynasty...

回首往事,自己已是年近半百的人了,感叹时光流逝,事业未成。对应英文:Looking back, he was nearly fifty people, lamented the passage of time, the cause is not.

这个简单,这句话你漏掉了上半句,就是"一失足铸成千古恨"。要连起来解释。如果单解释你这句的话,那就是说,一个人非常有主见,很坚持自我,但当他渐渐老去的时候,他才发现...对应英文:This simple, this sentence you missed half a word, is "a slip cast eternal hate". To connect the interpretation. If single you explain this word, that is to say, a person very assertive, is to adhere to the self, but when he grew older, he found...

是感叹沧桑变化人生易老的句子,意识应该是转眼之间人一下就到了晚年而往事如烟不堪回首。对应英文:Sigh vicissitudes life easy old sentences, consciousness should be in the twinkling of an eye look to the old age and the past cannot bear to think of the past.

诗云 '一失足成千古笑,再回头是百年人。'" 清代魏子安的《花月痕》 "一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身。" 理解 人是感情的动物,常常会因为某些原因,做出令人懊恼悔恨...对应英文:Shi Yun 'a man through the ages to laugh, back is a hundred people. '"Wei Zian in the Qing Dynasty" manner "" I hate eternal, and then back to have a century. "Understanding is emotional animal, often because of some reason, make a regret...

出处 明·杨仪《明良记》"唐解元寅既废弃,诗云 '一失足成千古笑,再回头是百年人。'" 示例 我深知这局棋关系重大,绝不能到最后出问 题,~啊!(陈祖德《超越自我》)对应英文:Source Ming Yang Yi "Ming Liang Ji" "Tang Yuan Yin is abandoned, the poem 'a man through the ages to laugh, back is a hundred people. '"example I know this game matters, not to the last question, ~! (Chen Zude" beyond self ")

"一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身。" 理解 人是感情的动物,常常会因为某些原因,做出令人懊恼悔恨的事,「一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身。」百年身,就是下一辈子的事了...对应英文:"I hate eternal, and then back to have a century. "Understanding is emotional animal, often because of some reason, make a regret it," I hate eternal, and then back to have a century. "A hundred years, is a lifetime thing...

即将就木 百年之后,就是死了之后 这就叫做"一失足成千古恨,再回头已是百年身"对应英文:When one has passed away soon after die, is dead. This is called "I hate eternal, go back a century body"

历历在目,仿佛就在眼前,但是其实已经一百年过去了...(百年是借用,感指时间过去很久了)对应英文:Be visible before the eyes, as if in the eyes, but in fact has been for the past one hundred years... (100 years is borrowed, sense means the time long past)

第一句出处明·杨仪《明良记》"唐解元寅既废弃,诗云'一失足成千古笑,再回头是百年人。' 第二句取自 浣溪沙 晏殊 一向年光有限身,等闲离别易消魂,酒筵歌席莫辞频...对应英文:The first sentence from Ming Yang Yi "Ming Liang Ji" "Tang Yuan Yin is abandoned, the poem 'a man through the ages to laugh, back is a hundred people. 'the second sentence from huanxisha Yan Shu always time limited, easy separation easy ecstasy, decline not frequent banquets and singing performances...


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