

七次量衣一次裁对应英文:Seven times the amount of clothing a cut

不见兔子不撒鹰!!三思而后行对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle! Look before you leap

应该是量体裁衣,意思就是针对性的采取措施。对应英文:Should be tailored, means of targeted measures.

就是啊,应该是"量体裁衣",à ǐ á ī对应英文:Yes, it should be "tailored", à ì Ji á H

个中性词汇,如果真要说出贬义的感觉来的话,就是靠语音语调了,大概意思就是实事求是,也可以说是一切从实际出发啦对应英文:A neutral words, if you really want to say bad feeling to it, is to rely on the tone of voice, probably the meaning is seek truth from facts, also can say is to proceed from reality in everything

天衣无缝对应英文:A seamless heavenly Robe

因人而异对应英文:It differs from man to man

量体裁衣 à ǐ á ī 处分ǔ è对应英文:Tailor à á ī disposition ǔ ì Ji è

以身作则对应英文:Make oneself an example

假设裁缝量尺寸用了小时 (+) 解得 男员工名 女员工名 共名对应英文:Assuming the tailor size by the hour () for male employees female employees were

昔有人持匹帛,命成衣者裁剪。遂询问主人之性情、年纪、状貌并何年得科举,而独不言尺寸,其人怪之。成衣者曰少年科第者,其性傲,胸必挺,需前长而后短老年科第者,其心慵...对应英文:Some people hold the horse in silk, garments are cut. He asked his temperament, age, appearance and what year was the imperial examination, and the only person not size, blame. Garment Yue juvenile school, the proud, chest will be very long and short, to old school, his heart again...


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