

覆巢无完卵,比喻灭门大祸,无一幸免。又比喻整体毁灭,个体也不能幸存。出处 《战国策·赵策四》。
    词 目
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    fù cháo wú wán luǎn
    释 义
    出 处

有覆巢毁卵而凤皇不翔,刳胎焚夭碢骐驎不至。" 但是最为世人所知的是《世说新语·言语》"孔融被收,中外惶...儿徐进曰'大人,岂见覆巢之下,复有完卵乎'寻亦收至。"对应英文:There are Fuchaohuiluan and Phoenix not Xiang, Kutaifenyao Tuo Qi Lin not to. "But is best known for" Shi Shuo Xin Yu, speech "" Kong Rong was collected, Chinese and foreign,... Xu Jin said 'sir, would see the nest, has the egg on the' find complex is close to the. "

覆巢无完卵的解释是 翻倒的鸟窝里不会有完好的卵。比喻灭门大祸,无一幸免。又比喻整体毁灭,个体也不能幸存。    出 处 南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》"大人岂见覆...对应英文:The nest is no egg explanation is not overturned nest has preserved eggs. Metaphor Miemen disaster, including. Another parable destroyed, individuals cannot survive. The Southern Song Dynasty Liu Yiqing "Shi Shuo Xin Yu," speech "is seen by adults...

鼠!~~蛇也是卵生动物!!所以别向这个方向想,十二生肖只有老鼠才祸害蛋!对应英文:Rat snakes are oviparous animal! ~ ~!! so don't want to this direction, only twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac mouse that scourge of eggs!

"儿徐进曰"大人,岂见覆(ù)巢之下,复有完卵乎"寻(á)亦收至。   说解覆巢之下岂有完卵,字面意思是鸟巢既倾覆,其卵当皆破。用来比喻一人罹祸,全家老少不得幸免。...对应英文:"Son Xu Jin said" adults, is seen overlying (ù) under the nest, has the egg on the complex "seeking (á) is also close to the. That solution is a nest egg, literally, the bird's nest is overturned, when the eggs are broken. Used to describe a person to meet disaster, family is not allowed to escape. ...

倾覆的鸟巢下,没有完整的蛋!比喻事之整体被毁灭,其个体也无以保全对应英文:The overturning of the bird's nest, no complete egg! Parable things overall destruction, the individual is not to save

"覆巢无完卵"比喻整体已经覆灭,个体也就不能幸免。旧时常用以比喻灭门之祸,无一得免。"怀古西江月"是一个字谜,谜底是"湖"对应英文:"Nest no egg" metaphor has destroyed whole, individual also not spared. The old metaphor used to Miemen disaster, no one free. "On the Xijiang Yue" is a puzzle, the answer is "lake"

说解覆巢之下岂有完卵,字面意思是鸟巢既倾覆,其卵当皆破。用来比喻一人罹祸,全家老少不得幸免。据《魏氏春秋》记载"(孔)融对孙权使有汕谤之言,坐弃市。"临事,他的子...对应英文:That solution is a nest egg, literally, the bird's nest is overturned, when the eggs are broken. Used to describe a person to meet disaster, family is not allowed to escape. According to the "spring and Autumn" records "Wei (hole) and thawing on Sun Quan to Shantou slander words, sit abandoned city. "The matter, his son...

说解覆巢之下岂有完卵,字面意思是鸟巢既倾覆,其卵当皆破。用来比喻一人罹祸,全家老少不得幸免。据《魏氏...焉有完卵"相同的成语巢覆卵破,   比喻整体遭殃,个体(或部分...对应英文:That solution is a nest egg, literally, the bird's nest is overturned, when the eggs are broken. Used to describe a person to meet disaster, family is not allowed to escape. According to "Wei... For what the egg" nest egg breaking cover the same idiom, metaphor overall suffer, individual (or part...

有人要帮助他的两个幼子逃跑,但是其中一个说了一句名言"覆巢之下,安有完卵。"最后孔融全家被杀。东汉末年,时局动荡,社会思潮渐趋解放,儒家思想已经不能完全规范人们...对应英文:Someone to help his two young sons fled, but one of them said a famous saying "the nest, has the egg peacefully. "Finally, Kong Rong family were killed. The Eastern Han Dynasty, political instability, social trend of thought is liberated, Confucianism has not fully regulate people...

覆巢无完卵"比喻整体已经覆灭,个体也就不能幸免。旧时常用以比喻灭门之祸,无一得免。"怀古西江月"是一个字谜,谜底是"湖"对应英文:The nest egg "metaphor has no overall collapse, the individual is not spared. The old metaphor used to Miemen disaster, no one free. "On the Xijiang Yue" is a puzzle, the answer is "lake"

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