

与其坐而论道对应英文:Rather than sit and prattle about the general principle

'或坐而论道或作而行之'或审曲面势,以饬五材,以辨民器或通四方之珍异以资之或饬力以长地财或治丝麻以成之。'坐而论道,谓之王公作而行之,谓之士大夫'"。又查"坐而论道...对应英文:'or sit and prattle about the general principle or it' or Shenqumianshi, in order to distinguish five materials, rare people or the Quartet to investment or to force to ground or rule polyandrum to become. 'sit and prattle about the general principle, that the princes were and, that the scholar bureaucrats'". And "sit and prattle about the general principle...


与其坐而论道,不如起而行之对应英文:Rather than sit and prattle about the general principle, and

古人有言 曰'临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。" 释 义 表示与其羡慕,不如动手去干 道 理 ①在目的与手段之间,有明确的目的固然重要,但如果没有实现这一目的的必要手段,目的将...对应英文:The ancients says' shilly Shally, than retreat webs. "Release Yi said with envy, rather begin to do things in between purpose and means, have a clear purpose is certainly important, but without the necessary means to realize this purpose, objective...

与其……孰若(无宁)…… 译为"与其……,哪如……,哪里比得上(不如)……"与其坐而待亡,孰若起而拯之。(《冯婉贞》)--与其坐着等死,哪如奋起抵抗拯救我们村庄。对应英文:Rather than. What if (Wu Ning)...... Translated as "and...... What if...... , where like (as)...... "Rather than sit back and wait for death, and rescue the what if. ("Feng Wanzhen") -- rather than sit and wait for death, even if put up resistance to save our village.

坐而论道就是坐着空谈大道理,指口头说说而不见行动这句就是说,坐着讲大道理不如实际行动对应英文:Sit and prattle about the general principle is to sit and talk about truth, the words without deeds that is to say, sit and speak truth as practical action

一个人为人处世胸怀与谋略是基本,想要有城府善思,那总的有点东西吧。坐而论道,并非一定是纸上谈兵。例如墨子,能说,但也会守城。看那些诸子百家的历史时,总觉得,最没用...对应英文:A person for his mind and strategy is the basic, want to have a deep thinking, there is something. Sit and prattle about the general principle, not be empty talk. For example, Mo-tse, can say, but also the. Look at the history of all classes of authors, always think, the most useless...

汉初规定相权和皇权基本上是平起平坐的--三公坐而论道啊--皇帝是五日一朝,只对重大的事情做一个批示,具体的国家事务是由宰相处理的。三公指的是丞相、太尉、御史大夫...对应英文:At the beginning of the Chinese regulation right and imperial basically is on an equal footing -- three sit and prattle about the general principle. - the emperor is five days once, just do a instructions on the important things, specific national affairs by Prime Minister processing. Three refers to the prime minister, Qiu, imperial censor doctor...

目 坐而论道 发 音 ò é ù à 近义词 纸上谈兵、徒托空言 反义词 身体力行、事必躬亲 用 法 连动式作主语、谓语、定语含贬义 释 义 坐着空谈大道理。指口...对应英文:Sit and prattle about the general principle. The sound ò é ù à synonyms, antonyms, take care of every single thing personally set an example by personally taking part empty talk only make empty promises made by the method of structured as subject, predicate, attributive pejorative meaning sit and talk about truth release. Refers to the mouth...

坐而论道 ò é ù à .古指王公大臣陪侍帝王议论政事。 .指坐下来谈论各项事理。 .指脱离实际,空谈大道理。对应英文:Sit and prattle about the general principle ò é ù à. Ancient refers to the nobles accompanying King talking about politics. To sit down and talk about the affair. That from the actual, talk about truth.


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