

杯酒释兵权对应英文:A glass of wine the relieving

本指在酒宴上解除将领的兵权。泛指轻而易举地解除将领的兵权。 宋太祖即位后,接受赵普建议,解除武将兵权,以免重蹈晚唐五代灭亡之覆辙。建隆二年(),太祖召侍卫马步...对应英文:This refers to lift the generals at the banquet of the military power. To be an easy job to relieve general military power. Song Taizu came to the throne, Zhao Pu accept recommendations, so as not to repeat the mistakes for lifting the generals, the late Tang and Five Dynasties perish. To build the long two years (), Mao called bodyguard...

杯酒释兵权 初,太祖谓赵普曰"自唐季以来数十年帝王,凡十易姓,兵革不息,其故何也"普曰"由节镇太重,君弱臣强,今唯稍夺其权,制其钱谷,收其精兵,则天下自安矣。"语未毕...对应英文:Cup of wine Bingquan release early, Taizu Zhao Puyue "since the Tang season for decades since the emperor, where ten Yixing, soldiers leather not interest, why" Pu said "by the section of the town is too heavy, Jun Chen strong weak, this only slightly from the right, its system of taxes, the men of the world, since. "Language did not finish...

因为是在酒席上做出了决策,所以史称"杯酒释兵权"。杯酒释兵权只是宋太祖为加强皇权,巩固统治所采取的一系列政治军事改革措施的开始,其后还在军事制度方面进行了多项改...对应英文:Because it is in the banquet made decision, so known as the "cup of wine Bingquan release". Cup of wine Bingquan release just Song Taizu to strengthen imperial power, began to consolidate the rule adopted a series of political and military reform measures, it is still in the military aspects of the number of change...

赵匡胤 杯酒释兵权 这则故事说的是宋代第一个皇帝赵匡胤自从陈桥兵变,一举夺得政权之后,却耽心从此之后他的部下也效仿之,想解除手下一些大将的兵权。于是在年,安排...对应英文:The Zhao Kuangyin cup of wine Bingquan release this story is the first emperor Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty since the mutiny, after winning the regime, but worry about after his men to follow suit, want to lift the hands of some general military power. So in the years, arrangement...

杯酒释兵权的意义 唐末五代的那种专制一方的藩镇,在宋初就逐渐消失了。   在官僚制度方面,侧重削弱宰相权力。军政大权归枢密院掌握,而财政大权则由三司使掌握,宰相...对应英文:Cup of wine Bingquan release of the significance of the late Tang and Five Dynasties authoritarian one party in the early Song Dynasty, it gradually disappeared. In the bureaucratic system, focusing on weakening the prime minister's power. Military and political power to the Privy Council to master, and our finances from three to master, the prime minister...

本指在酒宴上解除将领的兵权。泛指轻而易举地解除将领的兵权。   宋太祖即位后,接受赵普建议,解除武将兵权,以免重蹈晚唐五代灭亡之覆辙。建隆二年(),太祖召侍卫...对应英文:This refers to lift the generals at the banquet of the military power. To be an easy job to relieve general military power. Song Taizu came to the throne, Zhao Pu accept recommendations, so as not to repeat the mistakes for lifting the generals, the late Tang and Five Dynasties perish. To build the long two years (), Emperor Zhao bodyguard...

接受赵普建议,解除武将兵权,以免重蹈晚唐五代灭亡之覆辙。建隆二年(),太祖召侍卫马步军都指挥使石守信、殿前都指挥使王审琦等宿将饮酒,劝谕他们释去兵权,这是消除...对应英文:Zhao Pu accept recommendations, so as not to repeat the mistakes for lifting the generals, the late Tang and Five Dynasties perish. To build the long two years (), Emperor Zhao bodyguard horse all the military command that Shi Shouxin, Wang Shenqi and other veteran Dianqian douzhihuishi drinking, advised they release to military power, this is to eliminate...

宋太祖赵匡胤为了防止出现分裂割据的局面,加强中央集权统治,以高官厚禄为条件,解除将领们的兵权。对应英文:Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin in order to prevent the emergence of split, strengthen centralized rule, on the condition of high position and handsome salary, lift the generals of the military power.

杯酒释兵权 开放分类 成语、文化、词语、典故、词汇 词 目 杯酒释兵权 发 音 ē ǔ ì ī á 释 义 释解除。本指在酒宴上解除将领的兵权。泛指轻而易举地...对应英文:Cup of wine Bingquan release open classification of idioms, culture, vocabulary, allusions, lexical item cup of wine Bingquan release pronunciation ē ǔ ì ī á release release release righteousness. This refers to lift the generals at the banquet of the military power. To be an easy job to ground...

历史上把这件事称为"杯酒释兵权"("释"就是"解除")。 过了一段时期,又有一些节度使到京城来朝见(此时是公元年)。宋太祖在御花园举行宴会。太祖说"你们都是国家老臣...对应英文:The history of this thing called "cup of wine Bingquan release" ("release" is the "lift"). After a period of time, there are some Jiedushi to Beijing to meet (this is the ad years). Song Taizu held a banquet at the Imperial Garden. He said "you are the national veteran...

俗语杯酒释兵权bēi jiǔ shì bīng quán是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/86.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

宋太祖赵匡胤画像建隆二年七月初九日晚朝时,宋太祖把石守信、高怀德等禁军高级将领留下来喝酒,当酒兴正浓的时候,宋太祖突然屏退侍从叹了一口气,给他们讲了一番自己的苦衷,说:“我若不是靠你们出力,是到不了这个地位的,为此我从内心念及你们的功德。但做皇帝也太艰难了,还不如做节度使快乐,我整个夜晚都不敢安枕而卧啊!”石守信等人惊骇地忙问其故,宋太祖继续说“这不难知道,我这个皇帝位谁不想要呢”?石守信等人听了知道这话中有话,连忙叩头说:“陛下何出此言,现在天命已定,谁还敢有异心呢”?宋太祖说:“不然,你们虽然无异心,然而你们部下想要富贵,一旦把黄袍加在你的身上,你即使不想当皇帝,到时也身不由己了。” 一席话,软中带硬,使这些将领知道已经受到猜疑,弄不好还会引来杀身之锅,一时都惊恐地哭了起来,恳请宋太祖给他们指明一条“可生之途”。宋太祖缓缓说道:“人生在世,像白驹过隙那样短促,所以要得到富贵的人,不过是想多聚金钱,多多娱乐,使子孙后代免于贫乏而已。你们不如释去兵权,到地方去,多置良田美宅,为子孙立永远不可动的产业。同时多买些歌儿舞女,日夜饮酒相欢,以终天年,朕同你们再结为婚姻,君臣之间,两无猜疑,上下相安,这样不是很好吗”!石守信等人见宋太祖已把话讲得很明白,再无回旋余地,当时宋太祖已牢牢控制着中央禁军,几个将领别无他法,只得俯首听命,表示感谢太祖恩德。第二天,石守信、高怀德、王审琦、张令铎、赵彦徽等上表声称自己有病,纷纷要求解除兵权,宋太祖欣然同意,让他们罢去禁军职务,到地方任节度使,并废除了殿前都点检和侍卫亲军马步军都指挥司。禁军分别由殿前都指挥司、侍卫马军都指挥司和侍卫步军都指挥司,即所谓三衙统领。在解除石守信等宿将的兵权后,太祖另选一些资历浅,个人威望不高,容易控制的人担任禁军将领。禁军领兵权析而为三,以名位较低的将领掌握三衙,这就意味着皇权对军队控制的加强,以后宋太祖还兑现了与禁军高级将领联姻的诺言,把守寡的妹妹嫁给高怀德,后来又把女儿嫁给石守信和王审琦的儿子。张令铎的女儿则嫁给太祖三弟赵光美。这就是历史上著名的“杯酒释兵权”。

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