

树大易招风对应英文:The rich are an easy target

所谓树大易招风,枪打出头鸟也就是说比喻人出了名或有了钱财就容易惹人注意,引起麻烦。对应英文:The so-called tree big easy protruding, the gun fight bird is a metaphor or money is conspicuous, cause trouble.

树大易招风…人大易招摇…对应英文:The rich are an easy target... The National People's Congress easy swagger...

故事中,李邺侯之所以坚辞所有的官职与厚禄,即是因为他心中雪亮,知道"伴君如伴虎"、树大易招风、更不愿被名与利束缚。因此不要妄想一步登天,须知"靠山山倒、靠人人倒"...对应英文:In the story, the reason why Li Yehou Kennedy speech office and high all, because his mind is sharp, know "Ban Jun like accompanying a tiger", the rich are an easy target, but do not want to be rich and famous bondage. So don't expect to attain the highest level in one step, "notes backing down the mountain, by everyone down"...

沟女唔使多,最紧要大波 唔嫖又唔赌,盏帮衬药材铺 树大易招风,胸大多人碰 无论爱你有几深,买粒钻石最君真. 闻一闻无晒精神,索一索无晒知觉。 斯斯文文,乜鬼都闻. 头发...对应英文:Ditch female oh so much, the most critical wave well fuck I bet, lamp after herbal shop tree big easy protruding chest, most people love you touch no matter how deep, buy a diamond the gentleman really. Smell without sun spirit, a cable without sun perception. Elegant, ghost hair smell...

.招招积积自大狂,比人省到心都寒 .婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但不结婚的爱情就死无葬身之地 .世上无难事,只要....傻嘿嘿,食雪批 . 树大易招风,胸大多人碰. .传闻辨认...对应英文:. recruit to accumulate arrogant, than the people to heart cold. Marriage is the tomb of love, but is not a marriage of love will come to a bad end. Nothing in the world is difficult, as long as.... stupid hey, fresh snow batch. The rich are an easy target, chest most people touch. Rumors identification...

但要守法呀。不要以为自己有只手遮天的能力,树大易招风呀 既来之,则安之。对应英文:But you must abide by the law. Don't think you have the ability to hand screen day, the rich are an easy target. Take things as they come.

再来讨论 ,任何形式的增长都是双刃剑,树大还要招风,何况是一个快速行进中的经济快车但不能因为怕树大招风就不让树长大。过速增长与过缓增长(或负)的经济增长都有一...对应英文:Come on, any form of growth is a double-edged sword, tree and wind, and is a fast moving economic juggernaut but can not because of fear of the fall will not let the tree grow up. Fast growth and slow growth (or negative) economic growth has a...

但是你如果做出一定名气了,树大就招风了。一般工商等部门也不会主动来管你,但是要小心他人举报,特别是竞争对手,以及被仿品牌权利人的举报。按照规定,工商部门接获举报...对应英文:But if you make a certain reputation, tree is prominent. The general industry and Commerce Department will not take the initiative to you, but be careful others report, especially the competitor, and the report is imitation brand rights of the people. According to the regulations, industry and Commerce Department received a report...

因此天蝎座还是尽量低调,不要太树大招风基本上都不会惹来麻烦的。   入冬天蝎座容易有一些口舌是非,只能...整体来说是相当不错的,可是树大总是招风,要小心有些人因为嫉...对应英文:So Scorpio or to keep a low profile, not too care about basically never into trouble. Winter Scorpio easy some non tongue, only... Overall is quite good, but the tree is prominent, be careful because some people are jealous...

你(男)长的太帅了,因此人们就看不起你。树大了总要招风的,人大了总要防骗的话说出去之前你是话的主人,说出去之后你便成了话的奴隶。生活是痛苦的,比想像中还要痛苦...对应英文:You (m) long handsome, so people will look down on you. The tree big to the National People's Congress, always. The words out before you are the master of words, say out the words you became slaves. Life is painful, more painful than expected...


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