

出手即是精品对应英文:Hand is fine

它在世界各地,进行拍卖活动。 如果感觉不是特别精品,可以联系国内其他拍卖公司,你们当地就应该有。 或者是,你们当地的收藏品市场,有拍卖活动时,你也可以参加。对应英文:It all around the world, conducting an auction. If you are not particularly fine, you can contact your local other domestic auction companies, should have. Or, your local collection market, the auction activities, you can also join.

或者,卖给个大户人家,依然如你出手的意对应英文:Or, to sell a house, still as you hit the meaning

张大千的画均尺可以达到上百万,精品力作更贵。因为他艺术成就高,曾被誉为世界第一大画家,与毕加索齐名,工...咱们得实事求是,还是先鉴定一下吧!是真迹,当然好出手!对应英文:Zhang Daqian's paintings are the ruler can reach millions of excellent works, more expensive. Because of his high artistic achievement, once hailed as the world's first great painter, and Picasso together, work... We must seek truth from facts, or to look at! Is genuine, of course good shot!

这样最好了 淘宝网上搜索店铺"卡当",也能找到他们的淘宝店。另外,名字项链也不错,稍微贵点,元,纯银的,比较拿得出手。对应英文:This has been the best Taobao search online shop "when", also can find their Taobao shop. In addition, the name of the necklace is also good, a little expensive, yuan, silver, quite presentable.

没什么搞笑的地方。。但是经典。。而且超级鼓舞人心)飞轮少年 (不太长。。轮滑想象类的)零秒出手 (画风不错。。我记得是讲篮球的。。很短)南家三姐妹 (三部。。一共...对应英文:Not what funny place.. But the classic.. And super inspiring flywheel juvenile (not too long).. Roller skating imagination class) zero sec (good style.. I remember telling basketball.. Very short) three Minami sisters (three.. Altogether.

.如果急于出手,可以找新的买主,按协商价格后全部盘给对方 .如果有时间可以以全场大甩卖,广告横幅明显提示,能卖多少就卖多少 .如果急于退租房,只有在街边设小摊位,...对应英文:If eager to sell, you can find new buyers, according to the negotiated price all disk to each other. If you have time to the sale, advertising banners were suggested, can sell how much to sell the number. If eager to return rental, only a small stall on the street,...

最后随着泪水的蔓延,一同蒸发在毛孔里,湿润的空气里。伸出手,任由窗外的雪花洒落在手心中。瞬间冰冷,随之一点点消失掉。悲凉的笑声回荡在夜空的飘雪中。没有回声,没有...对应英文:Finally, with the spread of tears, with evaporation in the pores, moist air. Hand, let the snow outside the window on my hands. Instant cold, then a little bit disappear. Fit of laughter echoed in the night sky in the snow. No echo, no...

新华网河北频道 ( -- ) 稿件来源 精品购物指南对应英文:Xinhuanet.com Hebei channel (--) source shopping guide

这个黄龙玉就是我们云南我老家龙陵县产的。现在黄龙玉的价格很浮都是炒起来的推荐你尽快出手。尽量多要点。能卖赶快卖 不信你可以来我们这看看黄蜡石价格是什么样的...对应英文:The Huanglong is our Yunnan Longling County of my hometown. Now the Huanglong jade price is floating are fried and recommended you as soon as possible. As many points. To sell to sell do not believe you can have a look to our price is what kind of yellow wax stone...

。。实用性强(买老用处大像钥匙扣啊~小挂件啊~放笔的夹书的~)。。。美观性要时尚新颖(贵点不怕主要是送人拿的出手又很大方而且是别人没有的~)对应英文:.. Practical (buy old usefulness as Keychain ah ~ ah ~ small pendant pen clip book ~)... Beautiful to fashionable (your point of fear is to send people get very generous and others do not.)


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