

气死莫告状对应英文:I don't complain

临难毋苟免,临财毋苟得。 气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 醉后思仇人,君子避酒客。 智者千虑,必有一失 愚者千虑,必有一得。 千年田地八百主,田是主人人是客。 良田不由心...对应英文:To date no Gou Lin Cai Gou was not free. I don't complain, starve Mo thief. Drunk after thinking the enemy, the gentleman avoid alcoholic. Even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake. A fool may give a wise man counsel. The Millennium fields eight hundred master, who is the owner field is off. Farmland is not from the heart...

--美。德沃金《法律帝国》渴不饮盗泉水,热不息恶木阴。 --晋陆机 气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 --清《增广贤文》 自己不能成为自己案子的法官 衙门八字开,有理无...对应英文:Beauty. Dworkin "empire of law" thirsty not drink steal springs, hot off the evil wood yin. Jin Lu angry -- Mo complain, starve Mo thief. "Augmented" own kind -- - don't become your own judge the yamen gate is open wide, but not...

--美。德沃金《法律帝国》渴不饮盗泉水,热不息恶木阴。 --晋陆机气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 --清《增广贤文》自己不能成为自己案子的法官衙门八字开,有理无钱莫...对应英文:Beauty. Dworkin "empire of law" thirsty not drink steal springs, hot off the evil wood yin. Jin Lu angry -- Mo complain, starve Mo thief. "Augmented" own kind -- - don't become your own judge the yamen gate is open wide, rational Mo money...

秉公理自直,无私必无畏。捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。自知不自贱,自爱不自贵。德厚者流光,德薄者流卑。走大路怕水,抄小路怕鬼。明知不是伴,事急且...对应英文:Bing axioms from straight, selfless have fearless. To die for the cause of national calamity, see dead suddenly such as return. I don't complain, starve Mo thief. He is not self base, not from your love. De thick streamer, de thin flow. The main road was afraid of water, afraid of ghosts copy path. Not knowing that with, the matter is urgent and...

杨三姐告状真实案情如何年旧历三月十三日,河北省滦县绳各庄发生一起命案。富家子弟高占英与五嫂金玉勾搭成奸,嫌其妻杨氏碍眼,便残忍地将妻谋害。次日到杨家-----...对应英文:Yangsan Jie a real case to annual Lunar March 13th, Ge Zhuang Hebei province Luanxian rope occurred in the murder. Rich Gao Zhanying and five sisters in law jade sexual, too young's wife eyesore, was brutally murdered his wife. The next day to Yang...

杨三姐告状真实案情二姐被害 年旧历三月十三日,河北省滦县高狗庄发生一起命案。富家子弟高占英与五嫂金玉勾搭成奸,嫌其妻杨氏碍眼,便残忍地将妻谋害。次日到杨家...对应英文:Yangsan Jie a real case she murdered years lunar March 13th, Hebei province Luanxian high dog Zhuang occurred in the murder. Rich Gao Zhanying and five sisters in law jade sexual, too young's wife eyesore, was brutally murdered his wife. The next day to yang...

《杨三姐告状》的幕后实情 摘自《人民政协报》 评剧《杨三姐告状》自诞生近九十年来一直魅力不减。人们喜欢舞台上那个聪明伶俐、不畏强暴的坚强女子,但较少了解历史上...对应英文:"Yangsan Jie a" truth "behind the scenes from the CPPCC newspaper" Pingju "Yangsan Jie a" since the birth of the past ninety years has been no charm. A strong woman people like stage that be clever and sensible, brute force, less is known about but in history...

讨厌个大头鬼啊,多大的人了说话还不成熟,要是有意见关起门来跟你说不就完了,跟婆婆告状怎么回事,长不大的奶嘴娃啊。 你就该摆出姿态!被自己老公跟别人说讨厌你,你怎么...对应英文:Hate a sitting duck ah, much person to speak is not mature, if have opinions and close the door to tell you not to come with her mother-in-law, how to return a responsibility, pacifiers baby grow up. You should put out by his own attitude! Husband tell people that hate you, how do you...

恶人先告状  儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫  儿大不由娘  儿女情长,英雄气短  耳听为虚,眼见为实  二一添作五  翻脸不认人  反其道而行之  反咬一口  方是...对应英文:The wicked to complain not mislike mother ugly, dogs don't mind his mother son big not to be immersed in love a good man caught in difficult circumstances, ears, seeing is believing go fiity-fifty disowned bite people act in a diametrically opposite way is a party...

好婆家,不愁你的吃,不少你的穿。也是我的儿,福薄命短,这样的家财你没有命儿担。你死一身只顾了你,竟把你未老的爹娘,仍在了一边,那……。哭丫头哭的我气力短,我纵然是...对应英文:A good husband's family, don't worry you eat, a lot of you wear. Is my son, Fu Boming short, this house you have no life. You're dead one only you, have you not old parents, still in the side, the....... Crying girl cry my strength is short, even though I was...


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