

无知必无能对应英文:Ignorance will incompetent

字面上理解就行了,学到的了解的掌握的越多心智越成熟,反之则一无是处。对应英文:Literally on the line, learn about the more suspicious wisdom more mature, and vice versa Nothing is right.

说明知识越多就什么了 说明了知识越多,智能也就越高.对应英文:The more knowledge of what the show more knowledge, intelligence is higher

、无能的领导容易被人看不起,正是这个时候你表现出的对他尊重,就尤为重要。 领导的无能,也正是你的机会,努力工作,积极表现,超越目标! 祝你顺利!!对应英文:Incompetent leadership, easy to be looked down upon, it is the time when you show him respect, it is particularly important to. Leadership incompetence, it is your opportunity, hard work, positive performance, beyond the target! I wish you well!!

. 它的意思是在我们的现实生活中,我们应审时度势,有所得就必有所失。有些东西是我们不得不放弃的,但我们又不得不尽力抓住和不要浪费掉某些好机会。...对应英文:. it means in our real life, we should consider the situation, something will be lost. There are things that we have to give up, but we have to try to seize and stop wasting away some good opportunity. ...

的话,还是这段感情没有结果,那么你就要果断的放弃,因为放弃也是一种美,你不放弃你的人生可能只有一种可能那就是痛苦,你放下的话你的人生就是一万种可能孰重孰轻相信...对应英文:It is this feeling, no results, then you have to give up the decisive, because giving up is also a kind of beauty, you don't give up your life may be only one possibility that is painful, you lay down your life is the ten thousand may be given more believe...

失败是成功之母,对自己要有信心,相信自己能行,这事第一。 第二办事一点要仔细认真,想全面了再说话、在做事,言行慎重。 第三事情没做成之前不要说大话,说话谦虚,说些困...对应英文:Failure is the mother of success, have confidence in yourself, believe in yourself, it first. Second things a little carefully, trying to speak again, doing, and careful. Third things not made before don't talk, talk modest, say some sleepy...

你爸爸最无能无知的方面就是生你这么个孩子。其他方面倒是很好,虽然不是精于政治,至少你爸爸是爱国的,而且,你爸爸小时候也是很疼爱孩子的,有责任心的男人,还有,就是他...对应英文:Your father's incompetence, ignorance is born you so children. The other aspect is very good, although not in politics, at least you father is patriotic, but, your father a child is very loving, responsible man, also, is he...

丁汝昌指挥无能 丁汝昌领兵年,始终未能认真学习海军业务。近代海军是个技术性很高的专业军种,指挥军官需要多年的专门培训。丁汝昌以陆军将领来统率这样一支新式舰...对应英文:Ding Ruchang Ding Ruchang led the army command incompetent, has failed to seriously study the naval service. Modern navy is a highly technical professional services, specialized training command officer requires years of. Ding Ruchang to command such a new ship to the army generals...

你批评自己的老板无知刻薄无能,而你又是在这样的老板手下打工,不觉得自己会变得更无知刻薄无能吗怎么获得成长 我个人的一点小见解,仅供参考。对应英文:You criticize your boss ignorance mean and incompetent, and you are working in such a boss, don't think I will be more ignorant mean incompetent do get a little insight into my personal growth, for reference only.

我不赞同 因为知和欲 能和求不是对立统一的关系 不同于有和无的关系 因为知(知识)和欲(后天欲望、生理欲望) 能(后天型能、生理本能)和求(后天型求、生理需求)不是对立...对应英文:I don't agree with that knowledge and desire and seek not the relation of unity of opposites is different from the relationship with and without because knowledge (knowledge) and (the day after tomorrow to desire, desire (physiological) can be acquired type, physiological instinct) and O (the day after tomorrow, for physiological needs) are not opposites...


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