

知其一而不知其二对应英文:Know one and not the second

原文然则天下之事,但知其一,不知其二者多矣,可据理臆断欤 译文那么天下的事,只知一方面,不知另一方面的例子很多,可以根据(一个方面的)道理就主观臆断吗对应英文:The original but the world of things, but not see the wood for the tress of many do, can be argued that the assumption that the thing of the world, only on the one hand, many examples do not know on the other hand, can according to (one aspect of the truth is a subjective right)

那么天下的事,只知一方面,不知另一方面的例子很多,可以根据(一个方面的)道理就主观臆断吗对应英文:So the thing of the world, only on the one hand, many examples do not know on the other hand, can according to (one aspect of the truth is a subjective right)

只知其一,不知其二(典故) 宋朝太平兴国年间,洛阳城外有个穷书生叫吕蒙正。因为穷得上无片瓦,地无一垅。只好住在破窑里。 他虽贫穷,却日夜不忘刻苦攻读。那一日,他遇见...对应英文:Only not see the wood for the tress (story) song Taiping Xingguo, Luoyang city is a poor scholar named Lv Mengzheng. Too poor to get, no one in the ridge. But to live in a cave. He's poor, but did not forget to work hard day and night. That day, he met...

这不是木片,怎么能被大水带走呢 但是这天下的事,只知道事情的一部分,不知道事情的另一部分的人很多,能够根据道理来臆断(随意无根据的判断)事情么对应英文:This is not the wood, how can the flood away but this thing in the world, only that part of the story, don't know a lot of things the other part of the people, according to the reason for the assumption (optional groundless judgment)

只是知道事情的一方面,而不知道其他方面的人(事)太多了,怎么能单靠片面的理论就胡乱判断呢对应英文:Just know a thing, but do not know other people (thing) too much, how can a one-sided theory by casually judgment

我们每一个人基本上都有这种经历,其实可以归结于意识的停留上。 就像人眼睛存在盲点一样。有时候都一个点快速移动的时候,我们往往会看到一条线,这就是眼睛的"谎言"因...对应英文:Every one of us to basically have such experience, in fact, can be attributed to the residence on consciousness. Look just like the human eye blindness. Sometimes a little fast moving, we often can see a line, this is the eye "lies" because...

只知道事情的一部分,不知道事情的另一部分的人很多,能够根据道理来臆断(随意无根据的判断)事情么对应英文:Only know a part of things, don't know a lot of things the other part of the people, according to the reason for the assumption (optional groundless judgment)

ī í ā,ù ī í è成语只知其一,不知其二【解释】只知道事物的一方面,而不知道它的另一方面。- 汉典 . -【出处】《庄子·天地》"识其一,不知其二...对应英文:ī í ā, ù ī í è idioms but not see the wood for the tress [explain] only know one thing, but do not know it. CTeX. - [] - from "Chuang-tzu world" "know one, I do not know the second...

对于天下的是是非非,只知其一,不知其二的人可真是太多了,实在不能够仅凭推理就对事物做出主观判断呀对应英文:For all the right and wrong, but not see the wood for the tress of the person is too much, it can not only by reasoning on things to make a subjective judgment

只知道锻炼有益身体,不知剧烈运动有害身体健康.可以吗对应英文:Only know that exercise is beneficial for the body, do strenuous exercise can do harmful to health


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